Saturday, August 31, 2019

Creating a Safe Environment: 2-4 year Olds Essay

As an early childhood provider working with 2-4 year old children I will be sure to provide a safe, healthy, and appropriate indoor and outdoor learning environment that helps their developmental characteristics. When preparing my indoor learning environment as well as my outdoor learning environment I have to take into consideration each child; their needs, their skills, their backgrounds, etc. For my indoor learning environment it is extremely important to make sure that the area is welcoming for the students as well as the parents, I will make sure that the area is lit properly (natural light and/ or energy saving bulbs) and full of colors. The furniture in the classroom will be child sized and very sturdy. Children will also be assigned their own cubbies where they will be able to place their knapsacks and other belongings (this gives them a hint of independence). There will be different sections of the classroom for different activities (reading area, drama/pretend play area, ci rcle area, music area, etc.), not just for play but will enhance their social, emotional, physical and cognitive domains. I will also make sure that the entire classroom is cleaned on a daily basis and all toys are sanitized. I will also be sure that all sockets are covered with protectors and make sure that there are smoke detectors and fire extinguishers and an evacuation plan in the facility, as well as having clear pathways in case of an emergency. In the kitchen area I will make sure that all cabinets so children will not be able to have access to any hazardous materials as well as any foods. Also in the kitchen area I will have a bulletin board accessible to all kitchen staff to list the name of the children in the facility and their allergies (if any). In the restroom I will be sure that all toilets and washbasin’s are to the children’s reach so they can be more independent and for those who are being potty trained be sure that there are more than enough and be certain that they are cleaned (by an adult) after every use. Children will be encouraged to wash their hands often to reduce the spread of germs to each other. For  the outdoor learning environment, I will definitely make sure that the area is properly gated; there is no high grass or trash around on the floors. I will also make sure that the children have easy access to the restrooms, and be sure that there is a first aid kit handy. I definitely will make sure of the child to teacher ratio; this helps with keeping an eye on the children, which helps reduce the chances of one of them being seriously hurt. I will also make sure of the following: â€Å"Selection of play equipment is appropriate for children’s ages, play equipment is in good condition (e.g. no broken or rusty parts, missing pieces, splinters, sharp edges, frayed rope, open â€Å"S† hooks, or protruding bolts), Large pieces of equipment are stable and anchored securely in the ground; finishes are non-toxic and intact, Equipment is placed sufficiently far apart to allow a smooth flow of traffic and adequate supervision; an appropriate safety zone is provided around equipment, and, a variety of play surfaces (e.g. grass, concrete, and sand) is available; shade is provided† (Marotz, 2012), just to name a few. One thing that we have to keep in mind as an early childhood provider is the relationship between a person’s safety, health and nutrition. Parents entrust that their children are well taking care of each time they drop them off in our care; they want to make sure that they are feed a well-bal anced healthy and nutritional meal, and that they are safe from danger, so how is it that some may feel that these three things are not related. In my personal opinion they work hand in hand and very much so dependent on each other. Health, safety, and nutrition are very much so interrelated. Health is a state of wellness. Complete physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being; the quality of one element affects the state of the other; safety refers to the behaviors and practices that protect children as well as adults from unnecessary harm; and, nutrition refers to the science of food, its chemical components (nutrients), and their relationship to health and disease. It includes all of the processes, from the ingestion and digestion of food to the absorption, transportation, and utilization of nutrients, and finally the excretion of unused end products. Nutrients are essential for life and have a direct effect on a child’s nutritional status, behavior, health, and development† (Marotz, 2012). I cannot help but to agree with these examples given and it is best to have children practice these things as young as possible. In the 2-4 year old age group children  really mimic what they see us doing as adults. So if we eat healthy, exercise and practice thi ngs such as good hand washing, what do you think they will do? There are so many age-appropriate learning activities and toys that reinforce the important of health, nutrition, and safety for the 2-4 year old age group. I have listed a few that really caught my attention. This game will be considered a group game, this game teaches the children to identify their alphabets (upper and lower case) as well as their number; this game is called â€Å"Homemade Letter Bingo†, as we know â€Å"children learn through play. And letter or number bingo is a great place to start. The following items needed for this game are: printable bingo cards: numbers, alphabet, or numbers and letters, printable caller cards, small objects to use as markers, such as marshmallows, cereal, pennies, or M&M’s† (Richards, 2014). A second learning age-appropriate activity is that of â€Å"Cereal Patterns†: Practice patterning the fun way—by playing with your food! Using a Fruit Loop-type cereal and yarn, help your preschooler create crunchy, edible patterns. The following items needed for this learning activity is that of: Fruit Loops or other loop-shaped cereal in a variety of colors, small bowls or cups, age-appropriate scissors, yarn or string, and masking tape† (Edwards, 2012). Building blocks are great toys for children (whether blank or with letters on them). With building blocks it helps children in this age group (2-4 years old) with their problem solving skills, but what you will find most amazing is what they build out of the blocks. A nd another toy that will be considered age-appropriate is that of a kitchen set that will be located in the drama/pretend area. With this toy children pretend that they are chefs working in nice restaurants, they pretend that they are a parent cooking a nice meal for their families and the list goes on and on. But what I find so amazing with this age-group is that there is no limit to their imagination. However, we as educators have to continue to encourage the children to use their imagination, because they not only learn from us, we learn from them. An ideal location, space, and security of a center or school is very important, not only to the early childhood provider, but to the parents as well. â€Å"Nowhere is health and safety more important than in group programs serving young children. When families enroll children in a program, they expect that the teachers will safeguard their child’s well-being. They assume the facilities, toys, and  equipment will be safe for children’s use, that teachers will carefully supervise their children’s activities, that the environment is clean, and the food is healthy. These expectations require teachers to be well informed and knowledgeable about how to create and maintain environments that protect and promote childrenâ€℠¢s health and safety† (Marotz, 2012). We have to make sure that there is adequate space for the children to move around inside and outside; it is good to also make sure that the facility is not in a noisy location where the children can be easily distracted. But most of all we have to think about the health of our little ones, we have to make sure that the building is properly inspected so we can protect them as well as ourselves from potential hazards. As early childhood providers/educators it is our sole responsibility to make sure that the children that we care for will be given the best education and protection, this includes their safety, nutrition and health. One thing that I live by and believe is that the children are our future, so it is our duty to mold them from young. I choose to work with the age group of 2-4 year olds because the one thing that amazes me with them is their imagination which increases their ability to learn. As an educator for such young children you have to able to open enough for them to teach you as well. I feel that Reggio Emilia Approach said it best â€Å"children are capable of constructing their own learning† (Isbell & Raines, 2007). References: Bradford-Edwards, S. (Sept. 7, 2012). Cereal Patterns. Retrieved from, R.T., & Raines, S.C. (2007). Creativity and the arts with young children. Belmont, CA: Delmar. Marotz, L.R. (2012). Health, safety and nutrition for the young child 8th edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Richards, S. (May 9, 2014). Homemade letter bingo. Retrieved from

Battle of Atlantic

In the fall of 1939, the Atlantic Ocean was the dramatic setting of a fierce battle between the British and the Germans. At the time, most people thought that the Battle of the Atlantic may have decided World War II’s outcome. This battle was the deciding factor throughout the war. The battle of the Atlantic was a violent and destructive battle. Many people lost their lives fighting in this battle. New technology was one of the major factors in helping the allies win the long and crucial Battle of the Atlantic. The Battle of the Atlantic was a violent and destructive battle which caused chaos in the ocean. Many ships were built then blown up or sunk in sea and some may have survived. This battle was so violent and destructive that each side had its own strategy planned out exactly at when to use it. The allies mass-produced over 100 corvettes in 1943 and by 1945 the allies ships turned from 38 – 410 ship because in the spring of 1941, u-boats sunk about 500,000 tons of shipping good each month (u-boats are German submarines). May 1943 was the turning point of the allies. The allies moved from the defensive strategy to offensive; instead of the Germans hunting us, the RCN (Royal Canadian Navy) and company hunted them. By July, the Germans were only capable to destroy/sink 20 ships per month. â€Å"The Battle of the Atlantic was the only thing that ever frightened me. † –Winston Churchill One of the reasons that the Germans got so many kills was because they used a strategy called ‘wolf packs. ’ This strategy involves hunting in packs instead of separately; they would hunt with 3-4 ships minimum. Everyone was devastated when this battle erupted; it caused a lot of deaths as well as nightmares for the ones who survived. Up to this day, no one can forget this horrific battle because it was the longest running battle during World War II which was also one of the most destructive ones with the thousands of ships submerged beneath the cold, dark waters of the Atlantic During the 2,075 days of the Battle of the Atlantic, there were many deaths as well as ships sunk on each of the 2 sides. It may have seemed that Germany sunk more ships because they achieved to sink over 1000 ships in 600 months but they were the ones that lost the most. One of the reasons Canada joined the war is because the Germans sunk a passenger ship ‘SS Athenia’ on the coast of Ireland on September 3, 1939 which resulted in 4 Canadians killed. The Germans might have sunk the ship by accident or on purpose but either way, they have killed 4 Canadians and the prime minster was not pleased. There were 95,000 uniformed men and women in the navy. After the war, 2,210 Canadians died; 6 of them were women, 24 warships and 2,900 other ships (merchants etc) sunk including 14 million tons of shipping goods. On the other hand, the Germans lost 800 u-boats, 42 enemy surface crafts and 30,000 of the 39,000 Germans never returned. Although many Canadians died in this ongoing battle, we (the navy) commemorate them for their actions during this battle every year on the first Sunday of May. The allies (RC/RCN) struggled throughout the war because of the lack of technology. In the 1940’s a new sonar system was created to help the allies detect the enemies. In the beginning, the allies only had an early type of sonar called ‘ASDIC’ (Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee). ASDIC was most effective when used underwater where the allies could detect long range u-boats but on surface, the u-boats were undetectable. As the war continued, allies were equipped with a better, more advanced sonar system which could detect u-boats underwater and even on the surface in dense fog; the allies perfected the technique ‘Radio Directional Finding’ (RDF) as they received this new enhanced technology. With the new technology in hand, the allies had a special feature; they could locate wolf packs accurately using the u-boat radio transmissions. The results of the new features and technological innovations were fantastic; the allies could hold their ground against the u-boats when escorting ships such as merchants etc. Since we now have the advanced technology of the sonar from the battle, our sonar technology is improving every day. When the Battle of the Atlantic came to an end, World War II was close to the end. With many injured, dead and submerged under the waters of the Atlantic, they helped the allies win the battle and defeat the Germans as well as innovating the sonar and navy technology. Every year on the first Sunday of May, the navy would commemorate the ones who fought in the Battle of the Atlantic as they did some heroic actions leading the allies into victory!Bibliography

Friday, August 30, 2019

Pip’s conversation with Biddy Essay

Pip’s change whilst being in London, has meant he sees wealth as everything. â€Å"If I could have kept him away by paying money, I certainly would have paid money.† Showing that firstly, he’d do anything to stop Joe’s visit, and also he can buy anything, and that money can solve anything.  Pip feels embarrassed, he doesn’t want to be seen with Joe, â€Å"my greatest reassurance was, that he was coming to Barnards Inn,† showing he doesn’t want to be associated with someone of Joe’s status. Joe himself realises the change in Pip, † you wont find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress.† This displays Joe’s uncomfortableness, and unease, he realises Pip has change, and doesn’t see Joe the same as before. However Pip also becomes conscious of his change, â€Å"if I had been easier with Joe, Joe would have been easier with me.† Showing Pip’s tension, and impatience with Joe. Pip makes Joe feel uneasy, † us two now being now alone Sir.† The key word is ‘Sir’, Joe sees the change in Pip and feels obliged to call him Sir. As Pip has ‘grown accustomed’ to his great expectations, he has noted the change in himself. â€Å"I had insensibly begun to notice their effect upon myself,† showing he realises the effect people have had on him, which has caused him to change during the course of his ‘expectations.’ He recognizes this effect is not all positive, â€Å"I knew very well that it was not all good,† screening he has accredited the change within him. We see Pip build a sense of guilt, towards Joe and Biddy, â€Å"I lived in a state of chronic uneasiness respecting my behaviour to Joe.† â€Å"My conscience was not by any means comfortable about Biddy.† He has realised his mistreatment toward them.  Upon hearing the death of his sister Pip, starts to notice her, in ‘his world.’ â€Å"In my rooms too, with which she had never been at all associated, there was at once the blankness of death.† Showing the effect of her death within him.  Biddy tells Pip she is leaving the forge, he replies with: † I am not going to leave poor Joe alone,† showing his fondness of Joe, which is a drastic change, from their previous meeting in London. Even whilst at the forge and with Biddy, Pip still relates to wealth, â€Å"I would spend any money,† showing his continuous thought of money, which is such a change from his young childhood.  Pip changes towards Joe, â€Å"good-bye, dear Joe!- no don’t wipe it off- for God’s sake give me your blackened hand. This shows he respects Joe and likes him for who he is â€Å"man he was.† Pip realises he prefers London, he thinks Joe and Biddy knows he does, he thinks they believe he wont come back, his response is a â€Å"they were quite right to.† This is a clear representation of his change since his younger years. When Pip sees Magwitch, and learns that he is in fact his benefactor, he is disturbed, he is positively repulsed to find, Magwitch is the person who has raised him to become a gentlemen. â€Å"The abhorrence in which I held the man, the dread I had of him, the repungance with which I shrank from him, could not have been exceeded if he had been some terrible beast.† Dickens choice of words, illustrate Pip’s horror and hatred towards Magwitch, â€Å"abhorrence,† â€Å"repungance,† and â€Å"dread.† He uses animal imagery to convey his pure displeasure that Magwitch is in fact his benefactor. We see the change Magwitch brings about in Pip, † O, that he had never come! That he had left me at the forge-far from contented, yet, by comparison, happy.† For the first time since being in London, Pip’s views of the forge, have changed. He reconsiders his current position in London.  Pip doesn’t want anything to do with Magwitch, † he laid his hand upon my shoulder. I shuddered at he thought that for anything I knew, his hand might be stained with blood.† He sees Magwitch as dirty, he sees the money to be untrue and dirty also, which is a change, as before the money was everything to him. When pip finally reconsiders his situation, he is thoroughly disheartened: â€Å"It was not until I began to think, that I began fully to know how wrecked I was, and how the ship in which I has sailed was gone to pieces.† Showing that he believes his, ambitions, aspirations and hopes are all shattered.  Pip regrets his mistreatment of Joe and Biddy, â€Å"worthless conduct,† he sees how bad he’s been. He sums his emotions up at the end of the chapter, â€Å"thick black darkness,† this is how he sees his life after his changing reunion with Magwitch. Within chapter 40, Pip is still demoralised by finding Magwitch to be his benefactor, † I was greatly dejected and distressed.† Showing the change Magwitch has had on Pip since he made himself recognized. Pip analyses Magwitch, â€Å"he ate in a ravenous way, that was very disagreeable.† This is a sign of his change, he notes his manners, and sees his etiquette as wrong. Dickens used the word ‘disagreeable,’ which, represents, that its disagreeable to Pip, in his new found hierarchy. Dickens again uses animal imagery to convey Pip’s feelings towards Magwitch , â€Å"he looked terribly like a hungry old dog.† This represents Pip’s dislike for Magwitch. Pip is desperate to know how long Magwitch will stay, â€Å"in a frenzy of fear and dislike†¦. I want to know how you are to be kept out of danger, how long you are going to stay.† The key words are: ‘fear’ and ‘dislike,’ these are clear depiction of his disgust towards Magwitch.  We notice a huge change within Pip. He now recognises his affection toward Magwitch. He believes he should do right by Magwitch before he dies, â€Å"it became the first duty of my life to say to him, and read to him, what I knew he ought to hear.† Showing his consideration of compassion for Magwitch. Pip informs Magwitch about Estella, â€Å"she is living now. She is a lady and very beautiful. And I love her† He feels his duty, is to complement Magwitch on Estella. The change in Pip is that he inevitably forgives and pardons Magwitch, he wishes the best for him. â€Å"O, lord be merciful.† This is a drastic change to his initial thoughts towards him, when he discovered he was his benefactor.  Within chapter 57, as Pip comes out of his fever, we observe a change in him. Pip again worships Joe, â€Å"O, God bless him! O, God bless this gentle Christian man!† Showing his repentance. Pip changes his view of the word ‘wealth.’ â€Å"Wealth of his good nature,† showing his new appreciation of wealth, he has realised that, wealth in money terms doesn’t make a gentlemen, where as wealth in nature, and kindness does. Pip’s change is shown with: â€Å"I went towards them slowly, for my limbs were weak, but with a sense of increasing relief as I drew nearer to them, and a sense of leaving arrogance and untruthfulness further and further behind.† This shows he believes he’s leaving his ‘arrogance’ and ‘untruthfulness’ behind him, these are the factors of a gentlemen he now perceives to be appalling. Pip’s appreciation of Joe is exposed with, â€Å"my first thought was one of great thankfulness, that I had never breathed this last baffled hope to Joe.† He’s so happy he didn’t destroy Joe. This is a change in his feelings for Joe. His further appreciation of Joe is shown within Pip’s conversation with Biddy. â€Å"Dear Biddy, you have the best husband in the whole world, and if you could have seen him by my bed you would have-But no, you couldn’t love him better than you do.† This shows his sheer delight with both Joe and Biddy. He both recognises Joe and Biddy as good natured people, but also he recognises his mistakes. â€Å"You were both so good and true.† â€Å"To grow up a much better man than I did.† He identifies his life wasn’t all good, and he acknowledges his mistakes.  In conclusion, Pip has changed his depiction of the word, ‘gentlemen.’ He no longer sees it to revolve around education, wealth and social standing. Due to the positive effect that Joe has upheld within Pip, Pip appreciation of a ‘gentlemen’ is to be concerned with, faithfulness, generosity and goodness. Pip lost everything whilst in London, he now however has gained so much more, with respect and understanding, of not only himself but others also.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The myth of American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The myth of American Dream - Essay Example The American dream is that America is the land of opportunity that all can equally avail of; with immense possibilities and opportunities for upward mobility. It is closely related to the myth of meritocracy that those who work hard â€Å"will enjoy and profit from these opportunities† (Loupe & Ojeda 1). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the American dream, and the myths related to the concept. The American Dream The American dream includes not only the hope for a brighter future and a formula for success, but also knowledge of outcomes from the fulfillment of the dream. The outcomes include home ownership, improving life chances for children which is today denoted as sending them to college, â€Å"having a chance to get rich, and achieve a secure and comfortable retirement† (McNamee & Miller 9). The prospects for making the American dream come true have declined in recent years, leading to American workers feeling pessimistic about the futur e. Social Mobility and Economic Success The American dream of the promised land of opportunities denotes the possibility and opportunity for social mobility. Economic prosperity is considered to result in upward mobility, with inceasing income leading to a better position in society. Social and economic mobility are mutually related, and both are closely related to income. The American dream is mainly based on the promise of mobility in the economic ladder. According to Browne (p.1), â€Å"the ability of American families to move up or down the income ladder within a lifetime or from one generation to the next, is a unifying and core tenet of the American dream†. Since opportunity is a core element in social mobility and financial success, education is a determining factor for getting opportunities. â€Å"Education is often considered to be at the heart of the social class equation† (Steinberg 269). In a society that values and rewards knowledge and associates it with power, education plays a crucial role in achieving social and economic success. Individualism as the Basis of the American Dream The American dream is founded on an emphasis on the individual and on individualism. Significantly, individualism as the basis of the American dream is deeply rooted in the â€Å"religious, political, economic, and cultural experience of America as a nation of immigrants† (McNamee & Miller 4). Toqueville defines individualism as â€Å"a mature and calm feeling which disposes each member of the community to sever himself from the mass of his fellow creatures† (p.118). He particularly distinguished individualism from egotism; and linked individualism to equality and the absence of aristocracy. Thus, in America people were free to achieve, not through hereditary title, but on their own merit. Therefore the emerging concept of the American dream included both political freedom from tyranny, and also economic freedom to achieve success through one ’s own merits (McNamee & Miller 7). The Myth of the American Dream During the European colonization of America, the indigenous people of America were eliminated, displaced or assimilated, while the imported immigrants who formed other minority groups were exploited for their labor to â€Å"develop the vast resources of America, generate incredible wealth, build its infrastructure and establish cities, towns and industries that would be administered by the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nursing organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing organization - Essay Example ent elect, immediate past president, secretary, treasurer, four board members and an ex-officio run its affairs, ensuring that the association attains its objectives in the long run. Its functions include promotion of health, recovery and wellness by identifying mental health issues, preventing related problems and providing appropriate care and treatment to people with psychiatric disorders (APNA, 2013). The membership of APNA draws from all educational levels and a varied range of settings including military, forensic, private practice, outpatient and education among others. Currently, the total membership exceeds 8,000 members (APNA, 2013). These members benefit from professional growth and continuing education with access to its scholarships, networking and information access through its Member Bridge program and discounts on certification exams, long term insurance, conference registration fees and educational materials. The membership cost would depend on which of the five categories a member joins. Regular membership would be available to registered nurses, those paying dues and pursue endeavors furthering the association’s purposes. Such members might vote, seek directorship and serve in committees. A joining fee of $135.00 would apply with a monthly fee of $12.50. Mental health professionals not registered as nurses would join as affiliate members at a fee of $135.00. Affiliate membership attracts all membership benefits save for voting or holding office. International membership would be for those residing outside the US at a cost of $135.00 with the entitlement to all membership benefits. For retired registered nurses interested in participating in psychiatric-mental health activities, retired membership at a cost of $75.00 would be their reserve just as the student membership would be reserved for proven nursing students at a cost of $25.00. Student registered nurses could vote though they would not hold office. Among the accomplishments of APNA

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Urban economic perspective of Cape Town Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Urban economic perspective of Cape Town - Essay Example History claims that the city was founded by the Dutch East India Company and had served as the supply station of the Dutch ships which used to sail to the east like, in India. The city has a vast land area of about 948 sq miles. Apart from being the legislative capital of South Africa, the country is also the provincial capital of the region. As recorded in 2011, the population strength of Cape Town was 3740025. The rate of urbanization in the country has also risen by about 37.5% . The gross employment rate of the city is about 76%. The average monthly income of about 47% of them in the city is R.3200. 78% of the individuals in the city live in formal form of dwellings. The city has good access to safe drinking water and sanitation. The infant mortality rate of the city is about 33.2% . The crude death of the city was about 6014, as estimated in 2011. Gold mining is an important industry of the city. South Africa including the city of Cape Town is rich in terms of many natural resources like, coal, iron ore, gold, platinum and copper. Apart from gold mining, the region is also famous for various other types of industrial segments like, iron, steel and food processing. The city is also rich in natural resources like, cotton and wheat. Carrying forward an elaborate history with it, the city has undertaken vast changes to b uild and enhance its urbanization perspectives over the time. (â€Å"Natural resources and economy†). Economic Perspectives of the City The City of Cape Town is rich in terms of natural resources. These resources which are available in the city often serve as raw materials for the major industries of the country. Moreover, the gross demand of gold in the global market is increasing with time. This has been beneficial for the city of Cape Town as it possesses the core competence over gold reserves in the world. The city is also rich in terms of agricultural resources and animal husbandry. The available rich natural resources of the city are the underlying factor that holds the city together and sustains it. Theory of agglomeration in urban economy explains that when business industries are clustered together, the cost of production of each firm becomes low. This is because clustered firms often experience economies of scale in production. This is either due to common multiple suppliers or division of labor or specialization of work. Cost Quantity of output produced (Source: Authors Creation) It is due to the above factors that the gross quantity of output raises and simultaneously, the cost of production falls for economies in production. The extent of urban agglomeration rate in Cape Town is 690 (km^2). This good agglomeration rate of Cape Town has helped the city to improve its income thresholds. The annual growth rate of the city from 2005 to 2009 was 4.06%. The city has competitive advantage over manufacturing and extraction, film, media, health and medical services. The formal economy of the city provides about 64% of employment opportunities to the labor force in South Africa. The good degree of agglomeration, core competences and natural resources come together to help the city to become a prominent business location in the contemporary world. Growth Factors

Monday, August 26, 2019

Current strengths and weaknesses of the Microsoft company Assignment

Current strengths and weaknesses of the Microsoft company - Assignment Example Communication and innovation is not prioritized within the organization. Despite the popularity of handheld devices, the demand for computers in the united sates and across the world continues to grow. In this regard, it is realized that the future prospects for the organization are still good. Apple and Linux certainly threaten the large market share presently held by Microsoft. Indeed, the popularity of the products from these manufacturers continues to grow and there is a strong indication that Microsoft cannot continue to hold the 88% market share (Phelps, 38). Fluctuations in the exchange rates across the world greatly affect the demand for the software in certain countries. The fluctuating currencies greatly affect revenues from the organization especially in the international markets. It is presently realized that some hardware manufacturers like Oracle, Sun manufacturers, and IBM have collaborated with new platform technologies thereby greatly reducing the demand for windows (Stross, 45). In the same way, some of the hard ware manufacturers issue software application with their hardware sales. This means that Microsoft’s products do not apply in such

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Response - Assignment Example She goes ahead to introduce her role she plays in the family and reasons as to why she is the bread winner. Her description of their home district and the Capitol is organized in a chronological manner that it creates real images in the readers’ minds. The theme of suffering for pleasure or entertainment is an interesting one since this was the main method used by the government of Panem to show power and might among its citizens. However I also find that though the capitol people were enjoying the hunger games, the people from the other districts were slowly developing defiance and thus the theme of defiance to dictatorship. This is true when the writer describes how she feels about the government in the capitol. An example of this defiance is when the author says, â€Å"Eventually I understood this would only lead us to more trouble. So I learned to hold my tongue and to turn my features into an indifferent mask so that no one could ever read my thoughts†. (Page 6, Chapter 1). The â€Å"thoughts† that Katniss is talking about are those of wanting to defy the government just as she does when she humiliates the government by showing mercy to Rue when she dies which is against the rules of the game, as well as decorat ing her body. This is some form of silent rebellion which the government is unaware of. While the crowd is enjoying the killings, katniss uses the opportunity to show them that there is more than the deaths: she is ready to defy their rules for her

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Computer-based technology in the design process Essay

Computer-based technology in the design process - Essay Example Considering the cost of AutoCAD LT 2009 ranging to 1,000+ USD or 650+ EUR, it is very affordable â€Å"2D CAD software that is 100 percent compatible with AutoCAD.† AutoCAD LT 2009 claims to be â€Å"the best-selling 2D drafting application in the world† for increased productivity, drafting efficiency, shared design data security, and affordability (Novedge). On the one hand, Electronics Workbench costs from 76+ USD to 6,900+ USD or 49+ EUR to 4,400+ EUR. National Instruments introduces Electronics Workbench Educational Software compatible with printing and reports, and simulation, with â€Å"schematic capture, simulation (i.e. SPICE, VHDL and patented co-simulation), PCB layout, autorouting and CAM tools. Electronics Workbench dramatically reduces time-to-market by enabling the development and production of PCBs faster and more accurately than any other board layout system.† Through the lightweight view-and-plot-only DWF (Design Web Format) file format that provides the same viewing and to-scale plotting fidelity as a native DWG file; and by applying a digital signature to a DWG file to guarantee the authenticity, origin, and unaltered state of your drawing ( Electronics Workbench products contain all the functionality and power needed to easily teach even the most advanced level courses while using industry standard SPICE in the background. Also, Multisim’s drag-and-drop interface makes circuit

Friday, August 23, 2019

A global perspective on Philadelphia Community Based Organizations Essay

A global perspective on Philadelphia Community Based Organizations - Essay Example des safe, engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social, emotional, physical, cultural and academic skills† - Debbie Stabenow. â€Å"Afterschool is the time when young people discover their interests and strengths hat often lead to decisions they will make as adults. This program will truly impact the lives of this young people with profound and positive long- term benefits.† – Gina Warner; Executive Director Partnership for Youth Development. In most of the schools, the ringing of the 3 p.m. normally marks the end of school day activities for many students. This means that they can go home and play and the same time do whatever they please. The students end up engaging in activities that are not productive since they have no one to guide them. The parents who would have guided them are busy the same time either at work or pursuing further studies. In turn, this had led to the children going through a series of poor performance. The pupils also don’t have the time to develop their potential in terms of creativity (Old Pine Community Centre). The Old Pine Community Centre Afterschool Program plays the role of ensuring that the students done waste their time. This is through the provision of the essential services like the supervised and safe environment. It also provides healthy meals and snacks, academic enriching activities and supportive and caring mentors for the students. The children are also taken through exercises which ensure that they are healthy. These activities are provided to the children and family that need most the support. The services are also offered in a cost effective manner compared to the gains that the children get. The program provides the children with the clubs that enable them to interact and share their interests. The services offered are done through qualified personnel such as the counselor or the teachers. This ensures that the services are of quality and addresses the issues

Similarities and differences in HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Similarities and differences in HRM - Essay Example Within this particular analysis, the book Managing Human Resources in the Middle East will be considered with regards to the specific national systems of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) discussed in chapter four of the book in question, as well as the nation of Israel, discussed within chapter ten of the book in question. Such a distinct and differentiated unit of comparison may seem as rather useless; however, the key differentials that are reflected within this unit of comparison are ultimately helpful define and means by which the aforementioned factors, which have been introduced, impact upon the system as a whole and help to derive a differentiated and hold the nuanced approach to human resource management that might not be displayed within other more similar nations ones question. Firstly, with regards to the United Arab Emirates, the reader comes to the understanding that the constitutional/representative republic that this nation employs at the means of governance has the most powerful determination with regards to the labour law as it exists and is overseen by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. What is ultimately affected within such a particular system is that the aforementioned entity, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, serves as the ultimate adjudicator with regards to any and all labour issues that might exist within the market. Within such a manner, the process of oversight and regulatory compliance is first handled by the respective firm and human resources Department in question. Accordingly, oversight is been conducted from the governmental standpoint in ensuring that these respective entities are in compliance with any and all federal regulations and work to put the needs of the stakeholder/employee compliance with the letter of the law specified by the government. Although unions themselves are not outlawed, they experience a relatively low level of importance and/or clout within the human resource management pr ocess of the United Arab Emirates. Such a reality is not constrained by law; rather, it is merely grown to exist as a means of governmental structure, economic situation, and level to which employees and trades have not attempted become unionized within the system in question (Rees et al, 2007). Although a similar system of government oversight necessarily with exists within the nation of Israel, a secondary entity exists wholly independently from governmental oversight and serves to further needs of the individual stakeholders within the human resource management process. This necessarily refers to the entity in question. As a function of the way in which the nation of Israel has developed and come to prominence, a socialist model of development has been engaged (Sagie & Weisberg, 2001). Quite separate from any of the other models of governance and approaches to human resource management within the region, the nation of Israel seeks to actually encourage the formation and prevalenc e of unions as a means of seeking to maximize stakeholder utility and a further level of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Life and History of Winston S. Churchill Essay Example for Free

The Life and History of Winston S. Churchill Essay Winston Churchill Winston S. Churchill was a former prime minister of England during 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955. He had been well known for his leadership, oratory skills and bold statements regarding political issues (internationally and locally). He was also described as being: bold, confident, manipulative, courageous, determined, outspoken, brave, and stubborn. Born into the likes of a rich family, he often undervalued the importance and value of money reflecting at times during his time as Prime Minister. As he matured, he often contemplated between a life in the army or in Parliament. His contemplation became his reality as he would â€Å"switch† between the army and Parliament as an adult. While in the army serving in various places, he became an accomplished writer and war reporter while also showing his outgoing personality. Through multiple years of this experience, he developed his writing skills and his oratory skills while being involved in world issues. Soon he developed his â€Å"bold† views on ideas (e. g. less influence in India) and having iron fist strength in his beliefs and opinions. When we finally decided Parliament was the right home for him, the Nazis’ and Hitler were preparing for their â€Å"blitzkrieg† and were preparing for the starting phases of WW2. Churchill started to realize the threat this posed and voiced out to the government in 1939 that the English government had to be more â€Å"pro-active† about Hitler. Churchill’s predictions came out true and the threat posed became imminent to the English government after the invasion on Norway and the failed campaign in Norway as well. Churchill came out as Prime Minister in 1940 after the previous Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, resigned. Right off the bat, he allotted majority of finances into the military task forces and declared war on Germany. He also stated his steadfast refusal to consider defeat, surrender or compromise peace with Hitler. Later when major countries (e. g. France) fell under the blitzkrieg, Churchill embodied his country’s will to resist and continue fighting the war. His oratory (particularly his speeches and radio broadcasts) inspired the British men. These acts helped inspire British resistance, the only active resistance against Hitler and his Nazi forces. Churchill had also spent numerous hours with the British people who were suffering from air raids by the Luftwaffe and typing numerous letters to get U. S. A into the war. Over the next few years when Russia and U. S. A had become allies and began closing in on Germany, Churchill knew this war was over and the allies had won. His prediction was, again, correct. When he announced this, he said, â€Å"This is your victory. The people shouted: No, it is yours. † Many people around the world appreciated the efforts and actions of Churchill; however, with the pinnacle of military victory, he tasted political defeat. The actions of what Winston Churchill had done for all the British people and everyone around the world is beyond words. Without him, Britain and many other countries would have been in serious trouble during WW2 and the firmness of his beliefs had inspired everyone to truly believe in their ideologies, something that we have seen quite a bit since Churchill’s time period. Some examples: Martin Luther King Jr. , Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Arab Springs protests. They had all believed in their ideologies and proved it to themselves and the world, something great Churchill had started and shown the world.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Integration Of Core Concepts And Frameworks In Health Studies Nursing Essay

The Integration Of Core Concepts And Frameworks In Health Studies Nursing Essay Introduction This assignment attempts to explore the integration of core concepts and frameworks in health studies. The purpose of the assignment is to analyse the writers current professional practice, focusing on the outcomes of reflection, models of health, focus for learning, methods of enquiry and occupational mode of practice. Where reflective accounts are used to demonstrate a relationship to current practice, the author will make these entries in the first person (Webb, 1992, Hamill, 1999). The author is a senior staff nurse within an acute and emergency care facility in the North West of England. To ensure anonymity and confidentiality no reference is made to either patients or staff (NMC, 2004). During the last three decades, many professional groups have taken up reflective practice. Bulman Schutz (2004) argue that this enhances learning and promotes best practice within nursing. It is seen as an appropriate form of learning and a desirable quality amongst nursing staff (NMC, 2002). There have been many attempts to define reflective practice, however, Atkins Murphy (1993) argue that the whole concept is poorly defined. Reflection and reflective practice is a process allowing the practitioner to explore, understand and develop meaning, highlighting contradictions between theory and practice (Johns, 1995). Moon (1999) defines reflection as a set of abilities and skills, to indicate a critical stance, an orientation to problem solving or state of mind. Reflection is a window through which an event or situation is broken down and evaluated upon in an attempt to understand what has happened, to improve practice and aid learning and development (Reed, 1993, cited in Burns Bulman, 2000). Kolb (1984) states that reflection is central in theories of experiential learning and argues that within nursing, this form of learning is the most dominant. Platzer, Blake Ashford (2000) state that there are many benefits to learning through reflection, however, they are critical of individual reflective accounts and acknowledge the barriers to this form of learning. They explain how group reflection is more potent when attempting to understand complex professional issues and believe that through sharing, supporting and giving feedback in these sessions will facilitate learning with greater effectiveness. Wilkinson Wilkinson (1996) share this view, but highlight the importance of respecting and maintaining confidentiality. Schon (1983) describes reflection in two ways: reflection in and reflection on action. The differences in these types of reflections are reflecting whilst the situation unfolds and reflecting retrospectively on an event (Greenwood, 1993, Fitzgerald, 1994). Atkins Murphy (1994) improve upon this and suggest that for reflection to make a significant difference to practice, the practitioner must follow this up with a commitment to action, as a result. Interestingly, Greenwood (1993) also states that reflection before action is an important preparatory element to reflective learning as it allows the practitioner to formulate plans ahead of situations arising. There are other writers on reflective practice and conflicting arguments exist about when best to reflect. (Wilkinson, 1999). There are some critics of reflective practice, these highlight issues including the surveillance and self-regulation of reflective practice (Taylor 2003). Bulman Schutz (2004) suggest that when bringing personal feelings and emotions into the public domain that this can act as a barrier to reflection. They also acknowledge other limitations to the reflective process, including a lack of effective tools for assessment, political and financial pressures and the knowledge and skills required by facilitators. Taylor (2003) proposes that due to the confessional nature of reflection, debate can be raised over the legitimacy and honesty of the process. Schutz (2007) states that insufficient research has taken place to assess the benefits of reflection in nursing, leaving some debate about its appropriateness. Taylor (2003) argues however, that reflective practice is considered a positive approach to learning and is an important educational tool. There are many models to guide a practitioner through the reflective cycle. Reflection was first explored by Dewey (1933), Boud et al (1985) Cooper (1975) Powell (1989), Jarvis (1992), Atkins and Murphy (1994), Reid (1993) and others. More recently, models used to guide reflective practice, include Gibbs (1998) Johns (1995), Bortons (1970), Smyth (1989) and others. Health is a broad concept and can embody a variety of meanings, of which there is no particular right or wrong answer. There is no ideal meaning of health, making it a highly contested topic (Aggleton, 1993). The word health derives from the old English word to heal (hael) meaning whole (Naidoo and Wills, 2000). This statement suggests that health relates to the individual and concerns their holistic well-being. However, the literature suggests that opinions vary and that some perspectives disagree. Health is defined in many ways, generally divided into two types of understanding; official and lay perspectives. The main difference between the two, is that one is the view held by professionals and the other represents the views of lay people (non professionals). Official definitions of health have two common meanings in every day use; positive and negative (Cribb 1998, Aggleton 1993). The positive view represents a state of well being and the negative view surrounds absence of disease. The World Health Organisation (WHO) (1946) encapsulated a holistic view of health, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Whilst setting high targets to be achieved, this definition has been criticised for being too idealistic and impossible to attain (Aggleton, 1993). In view of the criticism, the WHO changed its definition: health is the extent to which an individual or group is able to realise aspirations, to satisfy needs and to change or cope with the environment. Health is therefore seen as a resource for everyday life not the object of living. Health is a positive concept emphasising social and personal resources as well as physical capabilities (WHO, 1986). This suggests that more recent definitions see health not as a state, but as a process towards the achievement of each individuals potential (Seedhouse, 1986). Negative definitions focus on the absence of disease or illness (Aggleton 1993, Naidoo Wills 2000). One definition of health suggests that people are healthy so long as they show no signs of bodily abnormality (disease). This definition fails to take into account how the person feels about themselves. The individual may feel ill in situations where health professionals are unable to find any underlying pathology (Aggleton 1993). Alternatively, an individual may have a disease and feel perfectly well. The main point being made here is that subjective perceptions cannot be overruled or invalidated by scientific medicine (Naidoo Wills 2000). The negative meaning of health is utilised by the medical model, which is explored later in the text. Whilst in the workplace, it is apparent to me (who is also a Registered Nurse) that both positive and negative meanings of health are used. Doctors focus on health from the negative viewpoint e.g. a doctor may review a patient and whilst not being able to find evidence of an acute illness, decides that the patient is fit to be discharged. Alternatively, I may focus on the positive view. In this context, a holistic approach to the patients health and social well-being is being explored, and therefore a comprehensive assessment of these needs are being made prior to discharge. As previously mentioned, lay beliefs are the views of those who are not professionally involved in health issues (Aggleton 1999). Whilst this is so, they must not be totally discounted as they can be as important as official definitions. They often influence the behaviour and understanding of an individual, and ultimately, the way they respond to health issues. An example of this can be demonstrated when reflection takes place after an incident e.g. a gentleman was admitted to the assessment area complaining of chest pain. After investigation, he was diagnosed with a myocardial infarction. Immediately after diagnosis, he remained on bed-rest for twenty-four hours, then after this period, the patient stated (when asked how he felt), that he felt well and had infact never felt better. At this point the patient proceeded in an attempt to get out of bed and mobilise locally. Thus, it was his belief (a positive view) that because he felt well (he had no symptoms of feeling unwell) then th is was a signal for him to carry on, in his normal manner, which was not the case. If the patient had been told he needed to rest, then it is likely that his behaviour would have changed. Beliefs about health can also vary from place to place (Aggleton 1993). Having nursed in various locations throughout the United Kingdom, my experience of this is first hand and from this experience, I share the views of Aggleton. There seem clear distinctions between health needs and health interpretations between different social class groups. e.g. in deprived areas, beliefs of health are that you just get by, however, in more affluent areas, health is not seen as merely being free from ill-health, but looks at other dimensions too, like keeping fit, eating healthily and being active. According to Jones (1994), health is subject to widely variable individual, social and cultural expectations, produced by the interplay of individual perceptions and social influence; suggesting that individuals create and re-create meanings of health and illness. This is done by our lived experiences. This view is supported by researchers, who have identified social class differences in concepts of health (Blaxter 1990, Calnan 1987). Their findings concluded that middle class respondents had a more positive view of health and found this to be linked to perceptions such as enjoying life and being fit and active. Through the same research, working class groups viewed health as functional and avoiding ill health. One explanation for these findings is that compared to working class people, middle class groups have greater control over their lives, due to income thresholds and job security, generating higher standards of living. According to Naidoo Wills (2000), this leads to people in different social classes holding different beliefs about autonomy and fatalism. These views are confirmed by my experiences in the workplace. The majority of patients I see are from working class backgrounds. This information is obtained from the patient during admission, when asked about their occupational status. It must be acknowledged however, that someones occupation doesnt necessarily denote their social group. These patients do have a tendency to view health as functional and this further supports the explanation offered by Naidoo Wills (2000). The United Kingdom is undoubtedly classed as a multicultural society, therefore it could be argued that a range of cultural views about health co-exist (Naidoo Wills, 2000). Alternative practitioners offer therapies such as acupuncture, reflexology and massage, which are based on cultural views of health and disease and run in conjunction with therapies offered by the National Health Service, which focuses on scientific medicine. The use of complementary alternative medicine (CAM) is largely unregulated but due to recent government pressures, a regulatory body to govern the use of some of these practices is to be set up (Hawkes, 2008). It is also evident that differences in chronological age and lifestyle also play a key part in influencing our views about health. For many young people, health may be seen as the ability to take part in sporting activities or being at the peak of their fitness (Blaxter 1990, Aggleton 1993). Alternatively, health for the older person is more likely to relate to the ability to cope and to be able to undertake a more restricted range of actions (Williams 1983, Aggleton 1993). It is clear from this discussion, that there are a variety of forms that can be taken from a concept. It is felt therefore that it would be useful to use an analytical framework which brings together defining features of concepts of health and demonstrates their relationship to each other. One such framework is by Alan Beattie (1987, 1993). Beattie (1987, 1993) suggests that concepts of health can be characterised by a focus on health as the property of individuals through to the property of people collectively, on a continuum. Further concepts can be seen as open to authoritative definition (or scientific principles), or alternatively as socially negotiable within the context of people concerned. This lead Beattie to set out two interlocking axis the horizontal and vertical axis. The horizontal axis represents individual people to families, groups and whole communities. The vertical axis represents a stance from expert led (authoritative usually represented by expert knowledge) to client led (negotiated using peoples own interpretations of their health and viewing them as experts in their own right) interventions. From this, the four quadrants of Beatties concepts were born. Biopathological models of health are related directly to the individual, them being the focus for treatment and free from illness or disease. Health is proclaimed in an authoritative manner through investigation and diagnosis. This model relates closely to the medical model of health. Biographical models of health focus on the individual subjective experience of health. Health is seen as part of everybodys life story and is therefore seen as being linked to our individual biographies. Health is not established through science but the personal opinion of the individual in the context of their lived experience. Environmental models view health as a property of populations as opposed to individuals. The emphasis is on the use of statistical data to describe epidemiology, in order to determine the health of the population. The communitarian concept states that health is the property of the social contexts of peoples lives in their communities. Health is seen to be influenced by how people respond to their material and cultural circumstances of their lives and not being shaped by authoritative monitoring of patterns of health. Beattie (1987, 1993) suggests that these models are not mutually exclusive. They can co-exist in differing circumstances, however, the emphasis may be more or less dominant. Having explored these models, it becomes evident that within my practice the Biopathological model is the most dominant between the members of the health care team e.g. a patient is admitted to the assessment unit with complaints of chest pain. The medical team (or the technician as Beattie would refer) would see the individual as the focus for treatment and will carry out expert, scientific led investigations. The diagnosis would then be proclaimed in an authoritative manner. This model has been criticised for being too narrow and it can be argued that medicine is not as effective as it is often claimed (Naidoo Wills 2000). The twentieth century has seen a reduction in mortality and increased longevity in developed countries and it is often assumed that medical advances have been responsible for this. McKeown Lowe (1974) would argue that this is not necessarily the case. In their historical analysis they concluded that social advances in general living conditions had been responsi ble for most of the reduction in morbidity, whereas the contribution of medicine had played a much smaller role. However, within the professions and institutes of medicine, mechanistic approaches to analysis are still dominant (Beattie et al 1993). In practice, the biopathological model of health is usually adopted when dealing with the nominated patient group, but it must be acknowledged that sometimes, due to the nature of nursing (even in an acute area), I may utilise other models within Beatties framework, particularly the biographical model of health. Here, the focus is still individual, but the care is negotiated as opposed to prescribed. Interestingly, the NMC (2004) code of professional conduct also advocates that patients be treated individually, with respect and with their best interests in mind. An example can be given to the reader of when this overlap occurs. A patient is admitted to hospital, following an acute exacerbation of chronic airways disease. The individual is seen by the doctor and in an authoritative manner prescribed a course of treatment, which included smoking cessation. The patient did not respond well to this demand. He believed that because he had been smoking for most of his adult life, that this did not contribute to his current health breakdown. Utilising previous experience in this area, I talked through the issues of smoking cessation and gave a rationale for the proposed treatment. I listened to the patient, with their concerns and anxieties and found that previous attempts at stopping smoking had been unsuccessful. The patient highlighted that no help had been offered previously from the health care team and that he had no financial compensation for his treatment. After a discussion about the support and available services, the patient accepted my offer to a free and confidential stop smoking service and agreed to a referral being sent. According to Beattie (1987, 1993) the focus for learning concerns the type of knowledge a health care practitioner needs in order to practice within their setting. Within the biopathological model of health, the focus for learning is that of essential knowledge applied by the competent worker (the technician). This is consistent with my focus for learning and is utilised frequently in every day practice. It is the most dominant over other focuses suggested by Beattie (1987, 1993) within other models of health. An example of when I might use this form of knowledge could be when managing a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) clinic. I assess the patients risk of having a DVT, then, by following the trusts protocol decide the patients management plan. To ensure the effective running of the clinic at a competent level requires me to have essential knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of DVT including a thorough understanding of the anatomy and physiology involved, the treatments, radiologi cal investigations, complications and side effects to treatment. Carper (1978), suggests that there are four fundamental patterns or types of knowing in nursing. These are known as his taxonomys of knowing and include, the empirics, aesthetics, personal knowledge and ethical domains. The empirics element of his taxonomy relates to the science of nursing and having the ability to describe, explain and predict. The aesthetics dimension relates to the art of nursing. Personal knowledge relates to the knowledge that an individual has from their past experiences in nursing and the ethical component of Carpers taxonomy relates directly to the decision making, the rights and wrongs, holding values and applicating. A method of enquiry, concerns the formal ways in which knowledge is generated and used by practitioners (Beattie 1987, 1993), often referred to as research and is vital in informing practice (Rolfe 1996). Research has two main paradigms for which there are different terms. Here, they shall be referred to as positivism and interpretivism. Positivist research is concerned with facts based on objective information, which is tested and systemised e.g. a randomised controlled trial. Interpretivist research deals with meanings based on subjective information e.g. a patient satisfaction survey (Parahoo 1997). Previously, I have identified that the predominant method of enquiry in the workplace is the positivistic approach, directly relating to the biopathological model of health. In nursing, the use of evidence-based practice is prevalent and Naidoo Wills (2000) agree is firmly established. This is consistent with the use of randomised controlled trials to establish what forms of treatment are most effective for most people. Sackett, Rosenburg, Muir Gray, Haynes Richardson (1996), describe evidence based practice to be a conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. This suggests that evidence based practice is crucial to the effective delivery of care and to the role and status of the nursing profession (Hardey Mulhall 1994, Roper, Logan Tierney 1996). An example of positivistic research, used within my practice, would be the use of diabetes mellitus, insulin glucose infusion in acute myocardial infarctio n (digami regime) (see appendix 1, for summary of research findings). Following these findings, the digami regime has been implemented throughout the NHS Trust in which I am employed, and is now standard procedure for staff to use on the appropriate patients. The data to support the use of the digami regime evolved from randomised controlled trials, which Hardey Mulhall (1994), maintains provide high reliability. Further more, the randomised controlled trials have been described within evidence-based practice as the gold standard (Naidoo Wills, 2000). On the negative side, Parahoo (1997) argues that positivistic research studies human beings as objects and does not provide knowledge of the patients views of the treatment. Conclusion It is undoubtedly clear that health is a complex and multi-faceted area for discussion. There are many meanings and definitions to health with no simple answers. It has become clear that lay and professional views should be regarded equally due to their equal stature. The practitioner has always regarded these as so, but the essay has highlighted this important area and has increased my awareness of this for future clinical practice. The practitioner will continue to view health positively and holistically and will endeavour to promote this practice amongst other members of the multi-disciplinary team. The practitioner has learned that using an analytical framework is a useful tool when mapping concepts of health in particularly Beatties framework. The framework was easy to follow and relates well to practice. The focus for learning was found to be predominantly around applying essential knowledge. The method of enquiry that informs practice was dominantly positivism which linked closely with Beatties biopathological model. Not surprisingly, this model prevails as the most dominant in my clinical practice. From this module, I feel that I have developed both personally and professionally. The knowledge gained through the undertaking of further study has helped me bridge the theory practice gap and has made me more aware of issues surrounding this complex area of health. Appendix 1 This study was initiated to test the hypothesis that rapid improvement of metabolic control in diabetes patients with acute myocardial infarction by means of insulin glucose infusion decreases the high initial mortality rate and that continued good metabolic control during the early post infarction period improved the subsequent prognosis of myocardial infarction (Malmberg et al 1995, Malmberg et al 1994, Malmberg 1997). Conclusions from this study, support the immediate use of insulin glucose infusion followed by multi-dose insulin in diabetic patients with acute myocardial infarction (Malmberg et al 1995, Malmberg et al 1994, Malmberg 1997) References Aggleton. P. (1993) Health Routledge. London. Atkins. S., Murphy. K. (1993) Reflection: a review of the literature. Journal of advanced nursing. 18(8) 1188-1192. Atkins. S., Murphy. K. (1994) Reflective practice. Nursing Standard, 8(39) 49-56. Beattie. A., Gott. M., Jones. L., Sidell. M. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Importance Of Effective Communication Information Technology Essay

The Importance Of Effective Communication Information Technology Essay Effective communication is crucial to successful performance of teams and for project completion in the construction industry. Various organisations are involved in contributing the delivery of technically complex and schedule driven projects. Why should be there research in this area This dissertation will derive from knowledge obtained from understanding the theories and practices of communication in construction projects, along with knowledge of developments in communication methods implemented during construction phases. The effectiveness of communication methods used between the principal contractor and the design team will be analysed and key issues in communication identified. This in turn will help to understand the reason behind ineffective communication that causes numerous problems in project processes. How are you going to do it? Key findings Introduction Construction is a project oriented industry, and many of the projects are of great magnitude, involving various organisations and teams working to meet projects objectives. No one in the construction industry today would deny that effective communication is crucial for the successful performance of teams and projects. Emmitt and Gorse (2003). This dissertation will be investigating the relationship between a medium sized contractor and a design team working on traditional contract project. The idea for this dissertation derived from comments received on rising issues in communication that continue to cause inconsistencies during projects activities as a result of ineffective communication. Construction projects are complex and risky endeavours, containing a variety of elements that cause projects to run overtime, over budget and produce poor quality results. During the design and construction stages of the project there are numerous communication channels created between the design team and the main contractor, in order to allow information related to projects activities to be disseminated among the participants. For this information to be sent and received accurately and clearly amid designer and a contractor, it is imperative that the relationship between these key parties include competent communicators and effective communication tools in order to interact successfully. During design and construction stages of the project it is of high importance that the accuracy of information that is being transferred between these parties is effectively communicated, as this, in turn will greatly affect the teamwork and positively influence the progress of the project throughou t its duration. (reference) Effective communications is essential to a successful construction project. If participants are unable to communicate information, ideas and issues simply and clearly to others then the project is unlikely to succeed. (Reference). Dainty et al. (2006, p. 5) argue that communication in construction is multifaceted and inherently complex, encompassing several dimensions on individual, group and organizational levels: not only does it involve the transfer of information, but also it bridges distances, is the basis of interaction between people, and conveys feelings, values and beliefs. The problem occurs when communication is handled inadequately during numerous activities. The information that is disseminated between involved, or project related parties can be inaccurate, unclear or misunderstood. This information is distributed using variety of methods and tools, and its the skill of the sender and the circumstances as well as competence of the receiver that may affect this information to be communicated effectively. Whether the specification designed by the architect is clear, whether the participants of the projects understand the information, and if not how effectively can they inform the issue, or if its been noticed at all. Effective Communication methods during all these phases of the project are key aspects to successful construction. This dissertation will be presenting a relationship between a medium sized contractor and the design teams. Aims and Objectives Structure of Dissertation Literature Review Emmitt and Gorse (2003) state that communication is implicit in everything we do. In other words that anything we do with other people must involve some sort of communication, Harley (1999) backs up this argument. Thomas, Tucker and Kelly (1998), explain in simple terms that communication is the sending and the receiving between the team members. This is similar to Cherry (1978) who states that communication is the process of interaction between individuals in which meaning is created and shared. One must understand that when relating this process to construction, communication is one of the most utilised activities. This is because as Betts (1991) states; construction is a complex and managerial activity, involving many different individuals and organisations interacting within a project environment. It is important to understand why effective communication is crucial in project oriented organisations; this is because there is a direct relationship between communications effectivene ss and projects success. Thomas, Tucker and Kelly (1998), Emmitt and Gorse (2003) emphasise that good communication within an organisation and between organisations contributing to the construction project can improve motivation levels and improve production process. Ballad and Howell (2003) included the importance of successful communication in the lean project management, claiming that if communication is effectively utilised in the project then this greatly improves the chances of projects success in terms of on time delivery and reduction in costs. Consequently, inadequate communication can result in a de-motivated workforce and lead to problems in production. Emmitt and Gorse (2003) follow this up by saying that poor co-ordination and communication of design information leads to design problems that cause design errors. These acknowledgements of significance to effective communication have lead me to believe that if in construction project communication is ineffective then this issue can play a vital element in why a construction project fails to deliver or achieve objectives. This is backed up by Thomas, Tucker and Kelly (1998), who explain that project performance can be enhanced through the implementation of effective project communications and conversely, projects can fail if hindered with poor communications. To achieve effective communication in construction projects, it seems that there are numerous factors that require investigating and understanding, before effective communication can be introduced and implemented. (REFERENCE) The question is then; how does a project oriented organisation achieve effective communication? And what could be the causes of ineffective communication that result in inconsistencies during the construction phases? Emmitt and Gorse (2003) state that; effective communication lies at the heart of a business, inherent in leadership and management. Thomas, Tucker Kelly (1998) also say that projects characteristics such as structure, size and location influence the effectiveness of communication. During my studies I have gathered common views that are related to issues during construction phase and post construction that were caused by ineffective communication between the main contractor and the design team. Through further research I wish to understand how effective communication can be achieved in these cases, and possibly unravel these issues in construction projects. Communication Process Communication is the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information. (Oxford Dictionary 2009) Betts (1991) states that information in construction projects is diverse in terms of its form, its subject and its source. The information that is available also differs with regard to its currency, accuracy, adequacy and relevance. Emmitt and Gorse (2003) add to this, stating that communication and information management is a prime activity in construction. The entire construction process relies on vast quantities of information being generated, transmitted and interpreted to enable a project to be built, maintained and reused. This is backed up by Winch (2009) who states that information flows are the heart of business process in all organisations. Based on this, communication can be a complex process especially in project oriented organisations. This is why it is essential that before effective communication can be explored, one must understand the process of communication. Thomas, Tucker Kelly (1998), say that there is a common set of elements essential to an understanding of communication. Emmitt and Gorse (2003) state that the process method sees communication as the transmission of messages, through which one person or parties seek to influence the behaviour or state of mind of the other. They also add that for communication to be effective the message must first be received and then understood by the receiver. Thomas, Tucker Kelly (1998) also explain that the communication process consists of a Sender and the Receiver. The sender acts as the originator of the communication and knows best the intended idea; therefore the sender must encode the idea into the message that is to be sent. Comprehension of the message by the receiver depends on a number of factors including how much the individual knows about the topic, the relationship and trust that exists between the sender and the receiver. And the receivers understanding and perception of the information being conveyed. Emmitt and Gorse (2003) have also recognised that there often more than one receiver of the message. Thomas, Tucker Kelly (1998) complete this by adding that the message is the encoded idea being transmitted and can be verbal or non verbal. Emmitt and Gorse (2003) explain effective communication is complete when this process is carried out successfully where the sender and receiver achieve a common understanding. Clampitt (2005) discussed the arrow approach where communication is rather like shooting an arrow at a target and is seen as a one-way activity based primarily on the skills of the sender. Harley (1999) also discusses this understanding of communication process and adds his theory supporting Calmpitt in his 1st addition, with a fundamental belief is that Effective Expression = Effective Communication. Winch (2009) states that all organisations are in essence information processing systems. Communication methods implemented in a project oriented organisations all transfer information from one face to another. Winch (2009) explains that the problems in construction projects arise when ineffective communication causes a poor information flow which results in inconsistencies in the project. Emmitt and Gorse (2003) also state that the people build and these people must communicate with one another effectively in order to achieve their common objective. Communication inconsistencies Emmitt and Gorse (2003) believe that communication barriers are evident whenever people meet. They state that trust and the relationship between two communicating parties is very important in ensuring effective communication. Bowen and Edwards (1996) recognise that one of the major barriers to effective communication is in the way of a gatekeeper. A gatekeeper is used to describe the behaviour of an individual who withholds or alters information as it passes him or her. Emmitt and Gorse (2003). Bowen and Edwards (1996) expand on this idea by stating that message distortion is likely to occur where there is an absence of direct communication. Emmitt and Gorse (2003) explain that new IT technologies are welcome, as they provide a convenient tool through which organisations use to transmit, store and access vast quantities of information very rapidly. However, they explain that industry now focus too much on the power and speed of the systems and not enough on the message being transmitted, or the requirements of the users. Winch (2002) has compared and explained that when the interfaces between systems were paper backed systems, it does not matter that different formats were used to create the message. However, when computers started to communicate directly with one another this has become a problem. As it is often seen that the receiver is unable to read the information because the sender has sent it in a different format. This has now become a new problem. Alternatives in Communications Different methods of communications Verbal and non verbal communication- effectiveness of both, different circumstances.

Monday, August 19, 2019

What do we learn about life in Americas in the 1930s from John Essay

What do we learn about life in Americas in the 1930's from John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men? John Steinbeck was born and raised in Salinas, in 1902. Steinbeck was of German and Irish ancestry. His father was the county treasurer and his mother was a teacher. Steinbeck attended Salinas High School and went on to study Marine Biology at Stanford University, but failed to finish his course. He travelled to New York and worked as a reporter, unfortunately he was fired. After he took on many different jobs and became an apprentice, a painter, a caretaker, a surveyor and a fruit picker. He married three times in 1930, in 1943 and in 1950. During the World War Two, Steinbeck became a War correspondent. In 1960 he toured 40 states of America and was awarded with a Noble Prize in the same year. Steinbeck later died in 1968, at the age of 64. In the 1920s share prices in the USA rapidly increased year after year. Many Americans believed that by investing money in the stocks they could make quick and easy money. The selling and buying of shares almost became uncontrollable, many people brought shares without realising that they could easily loose it. Some companies were totally false and others lied to their customers in order to take advantage of the money hungry people of the USA. On the 24th and 29th of October 1922, share prices on Wall Street fell dramatically. This fall became known as the Wall Street Crash. This crash became the main cause of the nationwide depression. The depression hit America first then spread to other countries around the world. People began to lose their confidence in the stock markets and embarked on saving as opposed to buying stock. Many banks collapsed as people withdrew th... ...or information on the 1930's. It helps us to understand what was happening in the 1930's. It gives us a clear idea of white people's attitude to black people and everyone's attitude towards The Great Depression. This story is a very good reference of oppression in the 1930's. Candy describes the bosses' behaviour to George and says; I guess the boss'll be out here in a minute. He was sure burned when you wasn't here this morning. Come right in when we was eatin' breakfast and says, 'Where the hell's them new men?' An' he give the stable buck hell, too." This shows how even though Crooks' work was good and that even though he was much liked around the ranch he did not seem to be much appreciated. The 1930's were a very hard period for black people and women of all colours. I think that "Of Mice and Men" is an excellent source for information on the 1930's.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Themes of Blackberry Picking by Seamus Heaney Essays -- essays researc

Blackberry picking by Seamus Heaney is about time, gluttony, limitations of life, and to some extent, the struggles of life. Heaney writes retrospectively about his life, with hindsight, about how he as a child, would go blackberry picking during a particular time of year. Throughout the poem and particularly in the first stanza, Heaney uses a wide range of literary devices such as intense imagery or sensory imagery, exceptionally meaningful metaphors and alliteration. Alliteration is used quite often in the poem. Throughout the whole poem, there is a frequent repetition of â€Å"b† words, such as â€Å"big dark blobs burned†. In the readers mind, this creates a more powerful image of the berries, and gives a strong impression of their shape and colour. There is quite a bit of imagery used in the first stanza, language that appeals to a sense or any combination of the sense. â€Å"Its flesh sweet like a thickened wine†, a glossy purple clot†. Apparently, thickened wine is tasty, so it appeals to the taste and so does the sweetness of the thickened wine. He also describes the blackberries as â€Å"Leave stains upon the tongue†. Throughout the whole poem, there is a constant repetition of the word blood or a metaphor or simile referring to blood. There is also reference to flesh on several occasions to make the berries sound desirable. Blood indicates the juice of the berries and flesh indicates what is within. An example of a metaphor is when Heaney describes the berries as a â€Å"glossy purple clot†. This smart use of an imagery and a metaphor at the same time gives an image of a ripe berry. There is also a smart use of a simile, â€Å"hard as a knot†, for the unripe berries. When Heaney says â€Å"hard as a knot†, it sounds rather short, sugge... ...mongst children, he had a hope in himself that this time it would be different, that this time the berries would not rot, an optimism of a naà ¯ve and inexperienced child. The final part of the poem, yet perhaps the most appealing which sums up what happens each year, is how he would always have faith inside himself the next year that they would not rot. There is a rhyme of the last word of the second last stanza,†rot†, and â€Å"not†. This is the only part of the poem that rhymes, and it is rather smart to end the poem on a rhyming note. In conclusion, Black-berry picking by Seamus Heaney is a fine piece of poetry set alive by metaphors, similes, alliteration, imagery and other literary devices. Heaney’s poem seems to be violent and brutal, and has a lesson to be learnt behind the poem, a message deep but not linked with childhood, linked to the struggles of life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Management Style Essay

Management style is the method of leadership that an administrator usually employs when running a business. Depending on business situation, a manager might need to employ more than one management style in a more or less formal way to accomplish the highest degree of effectiveness In their role. A range of management styles exist, such as active leadership, democratic leadership, directive leadership, paternalistic leadership, participatory leadership, servant leadership, and task-oriented leadership. Active leaders tend to lead by example and set a high standard for themselves and their employees. They wouldn’t ask an employee to take on a task they would be reluctant to do themselves. Democratic leaders seek to take all stakeholders’ opinion into account and achieve consensus before reaching a final decision. Although directive leaders are less authoritative than autocratic managers, they do not typically seek employees input. They often cite a short timeframe, and unpredictable client or an emergency situation as the reason for acting unilaterally. Participatory leaders are based on a coaching philosophy and focuses on empowering employees to seek their own knowledge and make their own decisions. It can be very effective in fluid work environments with shifting priorities. Servant leaders are based on a â€Å"people-come-first† philosophy. This style is about finding the most talented people to fun your organization and then empowering them to do what they do best. Paternalistic leaders are also similar to autocratic managers, except more sensitive to employees’ perspective. Managers who embrace this style are concerned with employees’ feeling and wellbeing. Task-oriented leaders may have once been project managers. They are experts in planning projects, allocating resources, assigning roles, setting benchmarks and keeping to strict deadlines. Management is about getting things done. Leadership is about achieving goals by creating a direction for a business and inspiring employees to take initiative and make the right decision.

Oil and wasser assignment Essay

The story began from two enterprises. The company Royal –biscuit, would like to merge Edeling, a company from Germany. Brighton, CEO of Royal-biscuit, had coordinated with Wallach for many times. When they decide to merge together, they should have known that both of their cultures are quite incompatible which might result in severe conflict. In this case, we can see that most of the difficulties are about cross-culture difference. The culture of Royal-Biscuit emphasizes â€Å"Active†, â€Å"Ambitious†, and â€Å"Fast-training†, and that’s the reason why it changed food industry in UK within 10 years. However, Edeling is a family owned business with 120-year history, and quite popular in Germany. Employee in Royal-Biscuit were afraid that they might make things slowly down if everything are well-prepared and step by step, while employee in Edeling were afraid that they didn’t respect their history at all, just eager to succeed in short term. Such situation not only happened in internal management, but also happened in human resource, like recruitment for talented. Brighton wanted to integrate two companies ASAP, so that they train they staff to own leadership by â€Å"Learning and doing†. They put them in the managerial position directly. On the other hand, Edeling has a successful business model due to their system and operation. They cultivate their leader by sending them to college of commerce and doing work from basic level. Not only culture difference in both company, but also about â€Å"Nation difference†.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Progress and development in communication system Essay

The objective of the study are: To know if people are aware of the progress and development in communication system. To know how can people absorb the rapid change of technologies that affects our communication with other people and making more easy. To let people know how communication affects the fast growing of technologies. Significance of the study: Most of us already have our own mobile phones, it is essential to our everyday life and as time goes by, things have been changing, so it is important for us to know how our technologies changing, how are we affected by these changes, how can this developments improve our social life. Life has been improving because of technology and studying this human invention may improve our life even better. We have the right to know what are the new inventions that are being made to sell out to people. It is important for us to know what are the most advanced technologies that we can use on these days. Limitation of the study We are limiting this study for Engineering students of Lyceum of the Philippines University – Laguna, for both male and female from first year college to higher years, age 16 years old and above with smart mobile phones used for communicating others. Structure and Rationale of the problem Although mobile phones have taken over our current society, they have been around for several decades in some form or another. The first mobile phones, referred to as First Generation or 1G, were introduced to the public market in 1983 by the Motorola Company.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jorge Luis Borges: the Blind Man

Tyreak Kellem Hispanic Literature- Spring Semester, 2013 Narrative Exam Horacio Xaubet Narrative Exam I I. Jorge Luis Borges: (a. ) â€Å"†¦ in every story the protagonists are thousands, visible and invisible, living and dead. † The protagonist is the leading character of a story, novel or any literary work. A protagonist is also defined in the modern sense as a supporter or advocate of a social or political cause. The Protagonist is the primary figure of any narrative and the events of the plot are closely associated with the protagonist.Being the central character, the protagonist typically enjoys the most empathy from the audience. Often the protagonist may be the hero who enjoys being the focal point of the narrative and engages the emotions of the audience. It is also possible for the protagonist to be the villain or antihero of the story. In most cases, a story may contain subplots, each having its own protagonist distinct from the main protagonist. In addition to this, each story may neglect to highlight every protagonist. (b. â€Å"Now I possess the secret, I could enunciate it a hundred different and even contradictory ways. I'm not sure how to tell you the secret, now is precious and science, our science, it seems a mere frivolity. He added after a pause: The secret, otherwise it is not worth what they're worth the paths that led me to it. † From this quote, I learned that through his travels he acquired a mental understanding that through the English language we neglect to understand that it has a broader meaning than what we are being taught.Also, he stated that now that he has possession of the â€Å"secret† he could pronounce this secret in a hundred different ways and could even be opposing. Therefore, now that the secret is precious, our science is still mere foolishness. The English language is still â€Å"ignorant† to even comprehend the value behind the â€Å"secret. † (c. ) The first-person, â€Å"Ià ¢â‚¬  is telling about his relationship to â€Å"The other one, the one called Borges. † The focus is on the consciousness of the â€Å"I† who is exploring his feelings, perceptions about the relationship.The story is a meditation on the vertiginous complexities of self-consciousness. The story explores the sense of self as dual, the split between a private â€Å"I†; the self-known by itself and a public persona, the self-known by others. It expresses a multitude of feelings of the private â€Å"I† toward the public self-feelings of difference, strangeness and otherness; feelings of dependence, resentment and criticism; feelings of ambivalence. And finally feelings of confusion about the relationship: Is the private â€Å"I† no less a persona than the public self? â€Å"I do not know which of us has written this page. It is also a reflection on the relationship between a writer and his private self, how the writer turns his private self into art. How he transforms even his most intimate feelings about being used into a work of art. II. Pardo Bazan: (a. ) â€Å"And with the closed fist struck head first, then the face, pushing the fearful little hands, so not yet altered work with who hid Ildara, trembling. † From the very beginning we witnessed a sad spectacle. The image of a girl forced by the circumstances of poverty and the need to help her father appears at first sight.The narration is alternated with the description and dialogue in a way that is orderly and accurate fulfilling the role of the author to ready. For my dialogue explains, makes us speak the characters whom we know better, gives them life and Pardo Bazan puts us as silent witnesses of what happens in-house Ildara through description, torn, natural and real. However, the author belongs to the realist movement that fixed his attention on social problems as a reaction to romanticism whose escape makes escape reality.It does not prevent its reality prese nts it so stark as well as we can see the description of the face of Ildara destroyed us cover eyes to not see as it has been the face: ‘beaten nose', crushed the eye, destroyed mouth, tooth that is on hand with his face bleeding. In which I see traits of naturalism: the stark representation of the facts. In the story, the reader may find different approaches to define the theme for what I consider that the same must infer it. (b. ) While this short story does not involve death, it nevertheless involves a substantial tragedy.The tragedy in â€Å"Las medias rojas† occurs when Ildara’s beauty and essentially hope is destroyed by a violent father who disfigures her by violently beating her over a pair of red stockings she bought. When the story is examined it seems that the red stockings represent the hope and happiness that Ildara feels over the thought that she will soon be leaving her poor and destitute life for a better life. Unlike Ildara, Ildara’s fathe r does not want to leave and therefore disfigures Ildara so that she also cannot leave.The tragic disfiguration of Ildara is very important in that, Ildara’s beauty was what promised her that spot on the ship that would take her to a better life, but without that beauty Ildara no longer has a chance to leave as the ship only accepts the beautiful. On a figurative level, by destroying Ildara’s beauty, Ildara’s father destroys her hope of ever living a better life. By presenting such a brutal way of how one can be rendered hopeless, I believe that Bazan is sending a message about not only the brutality of life, but also the hopelessness that fills the lives of many.Hopelessness in my opinion is the greatest tragedy of all because without hope what is there to live for? Furthermore, this idea of hopelessness is really something that is at the heart of all these tragedies that we see in Spanish literature. In constantly putting tragedy after tragedy in their works, Hispanic authors are not trying to render life as something that is inherently dismal rather they are trying to show that hope is what keeps us alive and that when we allow the tragedies of our lives to consume us we subject ourselves to losing the most important thing that keeps us going each and every day, and that is hope.III. Juan Rulfo: (a. ) In this story we witness a common theme in Mexican literature, as well as in that of Latin America as a whole: the problematic nature of the father-son relationship. Ignacio’s relationship with his father is interesting in and of itself for the way in which the father, despite being clearly at odds with his son, nevertheless undertakes the incredible task of carrying him to Tonaya. It can be also be read, however, as an allegory of the problematic relationship of the post-revolutionary period with the idealistic Revolution that preceded it.Although the allegory is far from obvious, we can see the outlines of this problem in the rela tionship of Ignacio and his father. The father clearly had great hopes for his family but these quickly faded with the loss of his wife and the fragmentation of his family. The next generation, his son Ignacio, due in part to the impossibility of this ideal â€Å"family† and his own shortcomings, has become corrupted, much like many during the post-revolutionary period. One could rgue â€Å"No dogs bark† has some of the theatrical qualities of tragedy in the fatalistic manner in which the characters are driven towards their inevitable destruction. This quality is supported by the way the story largely consists of dialog between the father and son. It is also notable that â€Å"No dogs bark† also exhibits a tendency towards romanticism. The night, the moon and the individual heroism of the father in carrying his son contribute to this romantic impulse, and these elements serve in turn to heighten the force of the story’s tragic ending.