Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Payment Methods in Ecommerce

With the rapid advancement in technology and the expansion of business, more and more companies are venturing into E-commerce in a race to grow not just regionally but also internationally. E-commerce adaption necessitates the change of the business model companies have been following traditionally and with it comes the change in the modes to make the payments.With the popularity of the internet for common use in business since 1990, E-commerce has been growing and touching the new horizons in every category of business , there are organizations today that depends heavily upon the E-commerce and there are examples amongst the fortune 500 giants which have seen tremendous growth in the era of E-commerce conducting the business online .(â€Å"Microsoft†,n. d) When the companies conduct business online the modes of financial payments become different from that of the traditional business payment ways like cash , checks, debit cards etc.Since while buying online, there is generall y no physical presence involved and customers could order the products sitting anywhere using their computers. B2B ( Business to Business)E-commerce today accounts for more than the 95 percent of total E-commerce and the B2B E-commerce means both the buying companies and the selling companies are the organizations and which consequently refer to larger amount of payment flow which is linked with buying or selling the products online , so electronic payment systems that are in place have to be very advanced when it comes to preciseness, security, privacy and the speed of processing the amount. â€Å"Turban et al† , 2004) There are always risk associated with the information that could be revealed over the internet while making a transaction and could lead to something unexpected like misuse of the instruments like credit cards and E-checks used to make the payment online. In an effort to make electronic payments more robust and error free, there are various protocols that are being utilized to encrypt the information being sent over the internet and these protocols differ in the encryption techniques. (â€Å"Electronic Commerce,† n. ) E-commerce is based on an ever advancing technology that gives birth to high end safety measures that could be applied while making the financial payments over the internet however internet Frauds, thefts still take place and need to be addressed since E-commerce is growing and would keep on growing at a fast pace as companies look to expand and make technology their platform for success in the retail market particularly. Introduction E -commerce is not limited only to buying and selling it also is an effective way of facilitating the inter and intra organizational flow of information and providing the customer service.There could be more than one way to define the E-commerce depending upon the prospective of the business and application of the technology, from a business prospective E-commerce is application of tech nology to make business more automated when it comes to day to day transactions and work flow, similarly if applied to the service industry E-commerce would mean a tool to address the service costs at the same time increasing the quality and speed of the service.The essay touches the various modes of electronic payment systems that are being used today as part of E-commerce today however it particularly concentrates upon online credit card payment systems, the terms related to the credit cards, their transactional process over the network, protocols that make credit card transaction secure over the internet . Some evolving electronic payment methods are simply electronic version of existing payment systems such as paper checks and credit cards and some other are based on the digital currency technology.Essay also focus upon the various protocols which exist to encrypt the information that is being sent over the internet to make the transaction exact and secure, the encryption techno logy that is being used along with the algorithms implanted in the cryptography techniques, the advantages and disadvantages of the various mode of payments that could make a difference when customers are concerned about the privacy and the security while making a transaction online keeping in view the amount of transactions that would take place in day to day business have been discussed since with increase in number of transactions number of thefts, frauds will also increase.Concept and Size of Electronic Payment Since payment systems use the electronic and computer networks, the nature of these payments is more complex than payment systems used in the conventional commerce so companies dealing in E-commerce should constitute frequent practice in banking. Most common form of the payments in E-commerce are payments made in Business to Business since they make more than 95 percent of total E-commerce payments today and these are executed through a proper network of electronic commun ication that would include digital telephony , IP telephony and use of internet to complete the transaction. (Turban et al, 2004 ) The amount of payment made in the electronic payment system varies from one type to another of the E-commerce; the payments that are made in the Business to Business E-commerce are quite higher than what are made in Business to Consumer or Consumer to Business types of the E-commerce.There are transactions that may range from $1 to $ 10 which generally take place in Business to Consumer form only and by their nature are known as the micro payments. Payments up to $ 500 are still mostly done under Business to Consumer form of E- commerce however are not considered micro payments, example of this could be buying a customized laptop from the Dell website which could cost around $500. (Danial, 2002) Payments higher than $1000 would generally fall under Business to Business E-commerce since individual customers who have to make a purchase bigger than this amo unt would preferably like to buy the products physically. â€Å"B2B transactions account about 95% of e-commerce transactions, while others account about 5%†. Turban et al, 2004 ) Modes of Payment in Electronic Payment system in E- commerce. There have been dozens of modes of payment in electronic payment system some of them are widely accepted and common however some of them are not. Some of them are just the electronic versions of the conventional methods that are there in regular form of commerce. Following are some common forms that are used in daily forms of E-commerce. 1. Electronic Fund Transfer. 2. Credit Cards. 3 E –cash. 4. Smart cards. 5. E –checks. 6. Electronic Debit Cards. Online Credit Card Payment System. â€Å"It seeks to extend the functionality of existing credit cards for use as online shopping payment tools.This payment system has been widely accepted by consumers and merchants throughout the world, and by far the most popular methods of pa yments especially in the retail markets†. (Laudon and Traver, 2002) A credit card is generally issued by the banks or other financial institution. It comes with a fixed amount of spending limit depending upon the type of the credit card and payment is to be made to the issuing institution within a stipulated time period it could be 30-40 days after which customer has to pay interest on the amount due. Following are the few terms that are related to the use of credit cards. 1. Card holder: – a card holder is the authorized person who is entitled to do purchases online using the card. 2.Card issuer: – Card issuer could be financial institution or a bank that has issued the credit card to card holder after a certain amount of verification about the card holder. 3. The merchant:- Merchant is the one who accepts payment via credit card used online in exchange of goods or services offered by him. 4. The acquirer: – a financial institution that establishes an acc ount for merchants and acquires the vouchers of authorized sales slips. 5. Card brand/card type :- there are types of credit cards that are accepted worldwide and different institution take care of different types of credit cards such as Visa and Master Card. (Turban ,Lee, King, chung , n. d)Process of using Credit Card While making a purchase online using a credit card, the transaction goes through a series of steps and following are few terms that need to be understood before understanding the transactional process, all these terms are kind of processes that could take place while processing a transaction. * Sale: A sale is when the card holder purchases a product or service from a merchant and the money is transferred to the merchant's account. *   Preauth: A preauth is not a sale transaction however it is a transaction to make sure that the credit card is valid and it typically charge around $1. 00(Techrepublic ,n. d)  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   * Postauth: â€Å"A p ostauth involves purchasing something before it is shipped. The customer can preorder something, and the amount is deducted from the customer's credit limit. No money is transferred, but the card hold is maintained on the customer's card.When the merchant fulfills (typically, ships the product), the merchant can perform a postauth to transfer the money and remove the card hold from the customer's card†. (Techrepublic, n. d) * Credit: This transaction is used while returning the good according to the procedure under the agreement and merchant puts the money back into the account. * Chargeback: A chargeback transaction is used in case of dispute settlement. In case of a dispute customer files a case and the financial institution involved temproraly withdraws money from the merchant`s account and transfers it to customer`s account. Each party have a certain number of days to prove the right billing and depending upon that amount goes in the account of right party. (â€Å"Techrep ublic† ,n. ) Steps involved in the online transaction While making a transaction customer fills in the credit card information on the HTML page and the information is sent over the server. 1. Server receives the information and sends it to the code that validates the information added by the user and if found valid this information is formatted into data that gateway could understand and is sent to gateway. (â€Å"Techrepublic† ,n. d) 2. â€Å"The gateway receives the formatted data from the HostRAD code, validates the card, and checks to see whether the amount for the transaction is available in the user's account†. (â€Å" Techrepublic† n. ) Upon validation if the card is found invalid or if there is not enough amount on the card a disapproval goes to the code and gateway charges the merchant money at this point of transaction even if it goes bad and if everything is found right the transaction is approved and an approval message is sent to the code. 3. Depending upon the type of the type of the card(Visa, Master card) gateway is batched upto the appropriate clearing house transactions arrive at the gateway, they're batched through to the appropriate clearinghouse. The clearinghouse that is used is determined by the credit card type and the bank that issued the card. As the clearinghouses receive transactions from all the gateways, the clearinghouses batch the transactions for all the banks involved, transferring monies from bank to bank.For providing this service, the clearinghouse takes between two percent and five percent of the total sale. (â€Å"Techrepublic†, n. d) 4. As the clearinghouses batch the transactions they receive, they transfer money from the customer's bank to the merchant's bank. 5. The merchant's bank receives the transactions from a clearinghouse and then transfers the appropriate amount of money for the customer transaction (started in box 1) into the Merchant's Card Not Present merchant account (†Å"Techrepublic†,n. d) Credit Card Transaction Security â€Å"More than 100 million personally-identifiable customer records have been breached in the US over the past two years. Many of these breaches involved credit card information. Continued credit card use requires confidence by consumers that their transaction and credit card information are secure†. (â€Å"Texas department of information resource† ,2009)The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council is the authoritarian agency that issues the standards and policies that help reduce the internet crimes in use of credit cards and all vendors that accept credit cards in their transactions have to abide by these laws . PCI council includes all the major Card brands like American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard , and Visa International. â€Å"Texas department of information resource† ,2009) â€Å"The Council created an industry-wide, global framework that d etails how companies handle credit card data – specifically, banks, merchants and payment processors. The result is the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) – a set of best practice requirements for protecting credit card data throughout the information lifecycle†. (â€Å"Texas department of information resource† ,2009) â€Å"The PCI compliance security standards outline technical and operational requirements created to help organizations prevent credit card fraud, hacking, and various other security vulnerabilities and threats. The PCI DSS requirements are applicable if a credit card number is stored, processed, or transmitted.The major credit card companies require compliance with PCI DSS rules via contracts with merchants and their vendors that accept and process credit cards. Banks, merchants, and payment processors must approach PCI DSS compliance as an ongoing effort. Compliance must be validated annually, and companies must be prepared to address new a spects of the standard as it evolves based on emerging technologies and threats†. (â€Å"Texas department of information resource† ,2009) Following are some terms related to online Credit card frauds â€Å"Phishing – This technique refers to randomly distributed emails that attempt to trick recipients into disclosing account passwords, banking information or credit card information. This one scam has played a major factor in the crisis we face today.Since phishing emails typically appear to be legitimate, this type of crime has become very effective. Well designed, readily available software utilities make it nearly impossible to trace those guilty of phishing. Phishtank, an anti-phishing organization, recently revealed that nearly 75,000 attempts of this nature are made each month† Pharming – This new technique is one of the most dangerous of them all. Pharming involves a malicious perpetrator tampering with the domain name resolution process on th e internet. By corrupting a DNS, (Domain Name System), a user can type in the URL for a legitimate financial institution and then be redirected to a compromised site without knowledge of the changes.Unaware of the background predators, the consumer types in their bank account details or credit card number, making them the latest victim of fraud. Skimming – refers to a process in which a special device is used to copy encoding data from the magnetic strip of a credit or debit card. This device is usually secretly mounted to an ATM machine as a card reader. Dumpster Diving – this act refers to a process in which an individual vigorously shift's through someone else's trash in search of personal and financial information. With a mere credit card approval that contains a name and address, a criminal can easily open up a credit card in your name and accumulate substantial debt in no time.Security measures in online credit card payment systems. Four necessary and important m easures that must to be followed for safe electronic system are as following. 1. Authentication Authentication is a method to verify buyer`s identity before payment is authorized. 2. Encryption Encryption is a process to making data that has to be sent over the internet indecipherable so that it could not be read by unauthorized persons and read only by the persons in authority to do so. 3. Integrity It has to be made sure that information that is sent over the internet is not modified, altered in an intentional or unintentional way. 4. Nonrepudiation This is the quality of a secure system that prevents anyone from denying that they have sent certain data. Here the communication system should be fault tolerant. Server where the transaction has been sent should keep a record log of every transaction and the user can't deny that he or she has not accessed the server. Security Schemes Key security schemes that make sure that information sent over the network while engaging in a transac tion is secure include encryption, digital signature, certificates and certifying authorities. Encryption:-Encryption is a technology that deciphers any kind of information before being sent over the network so that it could not be retrieved and misused by an unauthorized person.Two common encryption technologies that are used to encrypt and decrypt the data are Secret key and public key encryption as explained below. Secret Key encryption In this cryptography technique one key that is known as secret key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the data at sender`s as well as receiver end . Secret key encryption is easy to implement when number of users are less. The algorithm that is used for secret key cryptography is Data Encryption standard (DES) (Schneier ,n. d). The only problem with this encryption method is that the key has to be sent over to the counterpart. (â€Å"Dret†, n. d) Public key cryptography/Assymetric encryption.In this kind of encryption there are two keys th at form the part of encryption technology they are the public key and the privaret key . the public key is known to allthe users however the private key is only known to one user the owner. there are two methods the kep pair could be used eithet the data could be encrypted by the receiver`s public key and it will be decrypted by his private key but there is a problem with this method since the encrypting key is public key no body will know who sent the message the other way is encrypting the data with receiver`s private key and decrypting it by public key however this method also has an issue every public key holder will be able to decrypt the message so it has to be combination of keys.The data is encrypted using the receiver`s public key and reencrypted using the receiver`s private key the reciver has to use combination of keys to decrypt the data fully which means that the first the reciver`s private key and then the sender`s public key. The algorithm that is used in this techniq ue is RSA. (â€Å"turban, 2004) (â€Å"Dret†, n. d) Electronic Protocols. SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) protocol is an e-commerce protocol designed by Visa and MasterCard. Customers can purchase online and their personal information would be protected and also their buying habits would be recorded along with the information they provided. â€Å"SET developed by Visa and MasterCard is an open standard for encryption and security specification for credit card transactions on the Internet.The SET is a set of security protocols and formats that main section are application protocol and payment protocol†. (â€Å"Itig† , n. d) SET has many merits: SET has provided merchant protective method, cost-cutting and enough security for the electronic payment. It helps making the online E-commerce free from online fraud to quite an extent. SET keeps more secrets for the consumer to improve the satisfaction of their on-line shopping experience. SET helps the bank and the credit card company to expand the service to more broad space –Internet. And it lowers the probability of credit card on-line fraud. Therefore SET seems more competitive than other online payment method.SET has defined interface for all quarters of online transaction so that a system can be built on the products made by the different manufacturers. SET protocol based E-commerce model Although SET has been widely used in the electronic payment area and has gained more attention from the electronic commerce promoter, the SET transaction mode model only. Even for B2C model, its application is also limited. (â€Å"Itig†, n. d) DES algorithm and the RSA algorithm are used in SET protocol to carry on the encryption and the decryption process. SET protocol use DES as symmetrical encryption algorithm. However, DES was no longer a safe algorithm right now. Therefore, DES should be replaced by more intensive and safer algorithm.Moreover, along with the development of processing speed and storage efficiency enhancement of the computer, the algorithm will be cracked successively. It is necessary to improve the extendibility of encryption service. SET protocol is huge and complex in the application process. In a typical SET transaction process, the digital certificates need to be confirmed 9 times, transmitted 7 times; the digital signature need be confirmed 6 times, and 5 times signature, 4 symmetrical encryptions and 4 asymmetrical encryptions are carried out. (â€Å"cs. ucf†,n. d) SET protocol involves many entities such as customers, merchants and banks. All of them need to modify their systems to embed interoperability.As the SET requests installment software in the network of bank, on the business server and PC of the customer and it also need to provide certificates to all quarters, so running cost of the SET is rather high. The protocol cannot prove transactions which are done by the user who signs the certificate. The protocol is unable to pr otect cardholder and business since the signature received finally in the protocol is not to confirm the content of the transaction but an authentication code. If cardholders and trade companies have the dispute, they cannot provide alone the evidence to prove its transaction between themselves and the banks. Although there are some drawbacks in the SET protocol, it is still the most standard and the safest in the present electronic commerce security protocol and the international standard of the security electron payment.In order to overcome the defect that SET protocol only supports credit payment style, PIN(Personal Identify Number) digital items are modified in this paper; with regard to the other deficiencies such as complexity, slow speed, poor safety and adaptation of SET protocol, this paper also makes a model of architecture security control mechanism, introduces electron transaction authentication center and strengthens the security of transaction process of SET protocol. (â€Å"cs. ucf†,n. d) Transmission control Protocol (TCP) which is the main protocol used to send data over internet was not designed back then keeping in view the security issues that could arise in today`s World where E commerce plays an important role. The data transmitted through TCP could be read, intercepted and altered.Security breach still happens while an email is being sent or files are being transferred over the internet. Customer is always concerned over security when processing a transaction and sending information over the internet. Credit card information like name, number and date of expiration. Presently most of the companies use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol to provide security and privacy this protocol encrypts the order at PC before sending it over the network however this protocol may not provide all the security needed. There is another more secure protocol Secure Electronic transaction (SET) however SET is is a slow protocol and may take long time to respond and also it requires that the digital wallet is installed on the customer pc.Electronic Fund Transfer â€Å"Electronic funds transfer† means any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, or similar paper instrument, that is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, or computer or magnetic tape, so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to debit or credit an account. Electronic funds transfers shall be accomplished by an automated clearinghouse debit, an automated clearinghouse credit, or by Federal Reserve Wire Transfer†. † (Turban ,Lee, King;amp; chung ,n. d) Electronic Checks. E check is the electronic version of the traditional paper based checks , Paper check has been one of the most important way of payments that has been in use for a long time keeping in view the same concept E check has been designed to serve the same purpose. E-check contains the same information like acco unt number, issuing bank, address of the issuing bank and the amount of check.To validate the authenticity of the person, instead of signatures it has a digital code which is generated while filling in a check and is cross verified with the database while encashing it. Electronic Check offers many advantages over the traditional paper check since all the information is filled in electronically over the computer and it is not revealed as it passes through very few people who are in authority. E checks are cheaper by many folds because of ease of processing, also E-checks are lot faster in procession since the data is sent electronically and the chances of getting a check bounced are almost negligible. Electronic Wallets Electronic wallets or the e wallets also referred to digital wallets.An e wallet is a software program that contains user`s payment information in encrypted form to ensure its security, for example an individual`s e wallet could contain credit card number , bank accou nt number ,contact information and shipping location . This information can then be automatically and securely transferred to an online order form. †. (Turban ,Lee, King;amp; chung ,n. d) Virtual Credit Cards â€Å"Closely allied to e wallets is concept of virtual credit card. A virtual credit card is an image of a credit card placed on the computer desktop. With one click of the credit card image the card holder access the account information and pays for the online purchases.Customer can even drag and drop the virtual card from desktop onto an online checkout page . The credit card number and contact information is automatically entered into the checkout form and the customer just needs a pin to enter or other form of identification to authorize the transaction†. (Turban ,Lee, King;amp; chung ,n. d) Concluding Remarks Although there are many online payment systems available to choose from while making a purchase under E-commerce however the credit card is still the do minant and the most popular way not only because of the convenience it has but also because of its worldwide acceptability.Despite of the several security measures in place, credit card frauds do take place and protection of the information provided over the internet while making a purchase is of utmost importance. Encryption using the DES and RSA algorithms make the data indecipherable while being transmitted over the network and these encryption technologies are hard to break into however there are other ways credit card information could be disclosed. Phishing and Pharming as mentioned above in the essay are recent threats that are becoming common and are needed to be addressed as soon as possible since the users who are not really aware of these threats could unintentionally disclose information they are not supposed to.Credit card has wider acceptability because of its long established network thanks to the credit card brands like the Master card, Visa international and America n express and because of its friendly characteristics like ease of carriage, fast processing, 24 hour purchasing facility and the convenience of making purchase sitting anywhere. With the advancement of technology new protective measures like thumb imprint, retina scan are gaining popularity however it will take time for them to become common and implemented everywhere while making an online transaction since there are the cost and awareness issues related to these high end technology gadgets.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

American Stereotypes of China

US writer Todd C. Ames concludes his two-part discussion of the ways in which Chinese and Americans think of each other, and the most common misunderstandings that arise AMERICANS don't know much about China. What they do know comes from three main sources: movies, the news, and history classes. This can be a sensitive subject, and I do not wish to offend anyone – my goal is only to give you an overview of American stereotypes of China. Just as I have encountered many stereotypes that the Chinese have of America (some accurate, some absurd, some insulting), one can similarly encounter American stereotypes of China in the US. All Chinese know kungfu and dress like Huang Feihong. (Source: Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Bruce Lee [Li Xiaolong] movies). – Anything to do with China is â€Å"ancient† and â€Å"mysterious. † (Source: the fact that Chinese language seems to be made up of â€Å"mysterious symbols† to Western eyes, movies about Chinese history). All Chinese are â€Å"brainwashed† into worshipping Chairman Mao and can't think independently. (Source: studying the Cultural Revolution in high school history classes. ) – â€Å"Guangdonghua† (Cantonese) is the official language of China. Source: Hong Kong movies, Chinese-American immigrants who came to the US from Guangdong and Hong Kong during the 19th and 20th centuries). – Chinese culture is basically the same today as it was 1,000 years ago (eg, â€Å"traditional, conservative, polite,† etc. ). (Source: studying Chinese history without being familiar with modern China). – In China, no one can express any idea that isn't approved by Chairman Mao – if you do express an â€Å"unapproved† idea, you will be instantly sent to jail or shot. (Source: studying the â€Å"cultural revolution† (1966-76)in high school history classes, the events of 1989 in Beijing). Chinese (and all â€Å"Asians†) are good at maths. (Sou rce: I don't know). – China and Japan are basically the same. (Source: ignorance). – â€Å"Asian† women are generally subservient to men, anti-feminist, and more â€Å"morally pure† than Western women. (Source: movies about ancient Japan, cultural differences. This stereotype is again the result of ignorance of modern China – and thinking that today's China is really 12th-century ancient Japan). Chinese stereotypes of US As an American, I can give you a unique perspective on the Chinese stereotypes of the US that I have encountered. Some of them really made me laugh – as I'm sure some of the above American stereotypes of China made you laugh. – Americans don't care about their families very much. The opposite is true. Almost every American will tell you that family is the most important thing in life. – Most Americans have AIDS and have sex in the streets. I'm still laughing at this one. One of my friends told me that she thought this was true before coming to the US. – Mixed ethnic background = intelligence. The more mixed your ethnic background, the smarter you must be. This kind of thinking is truly confusing and shocking to most Americans. Many Americans would even consider this kind of thinking â€Å"racist,† as some sort of inversion of Hitler's â€Å"race purity† theories. In any case, I was really surprised to hear this from virtually every Chinese I know. Almost all Americans have a diverse and mixed ethnic background – so we must all be geniuses. – All American men are â€Å"se lang (lecher). † (Source: cultural differences. ) – The crime rate is so high in the US that your life is always in danger. This is a vast exaggeration. The US has the most socially liberal society in the world, especially when it comes to sex. This idea comes from Hollywood – and it couldn't be more false. The US in general (especially the Midwest) is very socially conservative. Virtually every European country has a much more â€Å"liberal† and â€Å"open† view of sex and social relations in general comp ared to the US. In my opinion, the US is closer to China in this respect than to European countries. You probably don't believe me, but if you get to know some Americans, you will see that it is true. As far as social relations and sex go, I would put Japan and Europe in one category. And I would put China and the US in one category. – All â€Å"Western† countries are basically the same. This stereotype is the mirror of the American stereotype that all â€Å"Eastern† countries (China, Japan, Korea, etc. ) are basically the same. Both stereotypes are completely false and are purely based on the perception that â€Å"all foreigners look alike. † – Most American college students don't study, party all of the time, and are ignorant of the outside world. This stereotype is pretty accurate. – Every American owns a gun. Roughly 25 per cent of American adults own a gun, which is extremely high compared to most other countries. But still, the vast majority of Americans do not own guns. Food In general, Americans love Chinese food. Chinese and Italian food are probably the two most popular types of food in the US. However, most of the Chinese food you will find in US restaurants is â€Å"Americanized. † You probably won't find things like stomach or intestines on the menu. Also, pork is not so popular in the US. Beef and chicken are much more popular in the US than pork. So don't be surprised if many Americans you meet don't like pork. One â€Å"food stereotype† that I have encountered among Chinese (and everyone else outside the US) is that all Americans eat McDonald's. I don't have any friends who like McDonald's. I hate it. Everyone I know hates it. I think McDonald's is probably more popular in other countries than it is here in the US. Of course, it is popular to some degree; but it tends to be more popular among certain segments of society than others.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Utility of Concept of Marketing to Organizations Essay

Utility of Concept of Marketing to Organizations - Essay Example It also represents the smooth interface between the flow of goods and services for development of a positive business environment. The study will deal with the importance of marketing in the development of business strategies and also other relative business activities within the organizations. It will also highlight the various concepts of marketing which are useful in starting a business and other relative business marketing activities. Finally, the study will conclude the impact of marketing on the activities conducted by the organizations. The concept of marketing helps the organization reaching their goals in a systematic manner also with the intention of creation of customer value. Marketing has not only helped the profit oriented organizations but also to the nonprofits organizations and libraries to large extent to contribute considerably to the benefits of the society. It has supported the organizations to accomplish their goals with the incorporation of marketing concepts a nd the implementation of marketing techniques. Unlike the traditional marketing concepts the modern marketing lays emphasis on the customer needs through the incorporation of various technologies. The concepts of marketing have helped the organizations to identify the marketing techniques to which it can helps in restructuring, orientation of the organization. ... For example the production department of the organization needs the concepts of marketing for the smooth physical distribution of goods and services (Gilbert, 2008). These help in the solving problem related to inventory control, cost minimization and that too within certain limits. It terms of distribution purposes and is solely responsible for the sales response to the company stimuli and also focuses on target markets and buying behaviour. The inclusion of concepts of marketing in providing specialised customer service helps in the goals and objectives, establish the interdependence of physical distribution and marketing (Gupta, 2009). Certain marketing concepts like segmentation, positioning, targeting, exchange transactions, relationships and networks, marketing channels, supply chain and completion help the organization for improvisation overall. This concept assists the organization in several ways for the process of quality control, service and product development by taking i nto account the customer needs and services, awareness of their services etc. It also helps in determining and evaluation of the appropriateness of the existing activity that leads to the development of the product and services. Implementation of the marketing activities help in the business, profit and non profit oriented organizations. However, the manager need to utilize and comprehend certain components of marketing theory which help then in realizing the differences and also the distinguishing between different marketing concepts for selling, promotion, public relations and other functional aspects that are an integral part of the marketing process. It helps in the total contribution of the marketing implementation activities which contribute to the overall

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Argument on Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Argument on Gay Marriage - Research Paper Example Same – sex marriages have good aspects and bad aspects depending on which paradigm it is being assessed in to. The way I shall approach this paradigms are dependent on the current political discourse and on the social order of things. In the current political discourse, the Republicans are the ones who are strongly in opposition with the legalization of same – sex marriages; with the exception of Fred Karger. Fred Karger is an openly gay person who is vying for the presidential seat (Harris). He is the only in the whole nomination list of the Republicans who is in support of same – sex marriages, which is totally in contrast with his fellow Republican who are aspirants for the candidacy (2012 Republican Candidates). What makes him apart from the other nominees aside from being a supporter and part of the LGBT community? The answer is plain and simple. Each of them has separate standards. In most cases, the paradigms of the other potential bearers are mostly guide d by religious conventions. Assessing the paradigms, there are several contentions that must be engaged carefully. Political activity is considered to be free of any detrimental conditions. If there is a principle of separation of church and state in a democratic society like the United States, then there is a need to fully implement this matter. In a civil society, there is a need to secure the rights of the people because choices are part of it. Should anyone be deprived of their choice because of sexual orientation? Definitely, it should not be. Discrimination is seriously dealt with by constitutions where people should not be discriminated because of the choices made (Johnson and Kuttner 183). In this case, it can be considered that sexual orientation is also a preference that should be discriminated. Individuals have the freedom to decide what they want to do with their lives and the government must secure all the possible means to ensure that these liberties are protected. Rel igion, in most instances, has provided a fundamentalist approach when it comes sexuality due to institutionalized ethics it propagated (Johnson and Kuttner 180). This is where most of the contentions about sexuality and gender comes in. Does the religion have the right to forbade people who want to pursue their ideal as part of LGBT community? No. In order to fully understand this matter, there is a need to point out that marriages have certain types: the religious and the civil marriage. In religious marriage, sex and sexuality are means for procreation. In civil marriages, there is a need to include the freedom to choose partners. Marriage, in a strict sense, is a basic civil right (Johnson and Kuttner 186). People who are religious may opt to have a civil marriage, a religious marriage or both. All of them still boil down to the choice of those who wants to get married. Now, do LGBT couples would opt to have a religious marriage? Most likely, they would not. They would prefer to have a civil marriage where there is no religious intervention. The very act of the conservative and religious orders in preventing same – sex marriage is already an imposition. The predicament is plain and simple. LGBT marriages face double standards which can be quite problematic due to interference. In my opinion, I would even be sensitive to the LGBT couples attitudes and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Correlational Methods (SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Correlational Methods (SLP) - Essay Example The Glasgow Coma Scale, a model used by medics analyses the eye opening reactions to stimuli, the post traumatic amnesia and the loss of consciousness (Silver et, al, 2011).Patients for this study are taken through imaging tests to diagnose a brain injury. X-Rays and rehabilitation are dependent upon the severity of the brain injury (Murdoch and Theodoros, 2001). Data is an invaluable asset when dealing with health care improvement. It is collected in the process of ongoing patient care or clinical trials programs. The study’s focus is on evaluation of internet based intervention that looks into behavioral therapy and promoting mental health among veterans of combat. It concludes that stating online based models can offer early treatments as well as preventive programs (Van & Fugal, 2012).Qualitative research method which focuses on quality and quantity of data will be instrumental in this research (Flick, 2014). Descriptive statistical techniques will be used to summarize the numerical information gathered in the study. Critical analysis will be conducted and determine the testability of the hypothesis to descriptive statistics. In measures of central tendencies, Voorhees and colleagues used the mean of two to explain the participants’ completion of internet based lessons. Voorhees and his colleagues also used data range scores to compare the elements in the research. For example, they differentiated between score scales by comparing depression findings from the center of epidemiologic studies to PTSD checklist military. The brain trauma studies seem to yield weaker results as compared to others. The researcher fails to include a representative sample of brain injuries occurrences. The procedures are also dependent on clinical trials that present ethical challenges. The data collection mode of study is one of the strongest as it gives adequate information about the study

Friday, July 26, 2019

Relegation System in Major League Soccer Term Paper

Relegation System in Major League Soccer - Term Paper Example Major League Soccer or what is popularly known as MLS is the official soccer league of United States of America. The tournament is endorsed by United States Soccer Federation and Don Garber is its present commissioner. Major League Soccer (MLS) was started in the year of 1993; however, the first session of competition was staged in the year 1996 with just10 teams. The teams were owned by the franchisees and are operated and functioned by its stakeholders. The present format of MLS has 19 teams who play with each other on a home-away basis. Among the 19 teams, 16 are from the US and the other 3 teams are from Canada. Some of the noticeable teams of the tournament include LA Galaxy, Montreal Impact, Toronto FC Dallas and Real Salt Lake among many others. The first season of the tournament witnessed record attendance however it felt below the expected level from the next season onwards. People started to lose interest in soccer as other sports such as baseball, basketball took the elite positions. The condition revived when players such as David Beckham, Cuauhtemoc Blanco joined the league as players of respective teams. The primary rationale behind the commencement of MLS was to strengthen the national football team of US. The quality of the league was in doubt when the USA was eliminated from the opening stages in the 1998 soccer world cup. Apart from that, 1994 Soccer world cup that was staged in the US was also another reason. The professional league helped the country to bid for the tournament.  ... The first season of the tournament witnessed record attendance however it felt below the expected level from the next season onwards. People started to lose interest on soccer as other sports such as baseball, basketball took the elite positions. The condition revived when players such as David Beckham, Cuauhtemoc Blanco joined the league as players of respective teams (Dure, 2010, p.xvi). The primary rational behind the commencement of MLS was to strengthen the national football team of US. Nonetheless the quality of the league was on doubt, when USA was eliminated from the opening stages in the 1998 soccer world cup. Apart from that, 1994 Soccer world cup that was staged in US was also another reason. The professional league helped the country to bid for the tournament. Formulation of Mission and Vision statements Mission and vision statements are important for running a venture. Also in case of MLS mission and vision statements, holds an important position. MLS was started in the year 1993 for the purpose of establishing a particular objective. Moreover in order to achieve the objective one needs to have clear vision of the future. While on the other hand a mission statement is being used to describe the purposes or aims of the new association. Hence it can be justified that mission and vision statement plays an indispensable role. The newly developed mission and vision statement for MLS are formulated below. Mission Statement To offer the country with new talents in football and also to encourage upcoming talents in the field of soccer. To enthuse the world of sports lovers by showcasing highest quality of entertainment. Vision Statement ‘We

Applies the lesson to analyse a real world issue Assignment

Applies the lesson to analyse a real world issue - Assignment Example This phenomenon is not unique as during the Great Depression in 1930’s the world economy underwent a similar occurrence. According to Hazlitt (1946), there is a difference between economists; good economists and bad economists. The bad economists observe the direct impacts of proposed course, whereas the good one focuses on long and indirect consequence. Teiying economic to long term predictions is the foundations of a good economist and as Brux, (2005) predicted long term economic eventualities such as poverty marks such characteristics.   This argument cannot be further from the truth. Economists have always been grouped into different groups, but the world’s most prominent group is the Keynesian school of thought. Other economic schools of thoughts that have dominated academic thoughts throughout the 20th century and even the 21st century are the monetarist school of thought and the Harvard economic school of thought. According to the Keynesian school of thought, private capital investment decreased as a result of more capacity and the deficiency in good investment opportunities (Hetzel, 2012).   In fact, the concept of Secular Stagnation, a term coined by the Keynesian school of economics and it attributed the recession to inadequate capital investment hindering full employment of labour and other economic resources. Aptly referred to as the secular stagnation theory as articulated by the Keynesian school of economics, is a marketed different from the notion propagated by the monetarist school of economics. According to the monetarist theorists the recession was as a result of the tendency of the rate of profit to decrease, and as such businesses will block investments in manufacturing plants with a decreasing rate of return. Theorists have provided different arguments on the phenomenon of low economic growth, and especially that regards the same that was realized in the industrialized

Thursday, July 25, 2019

ISMG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

ISMG - Essay Example Secondly, there was the change in organizational structure to fit the organizational culture and climate of the old Mrs. Field Company. This action was perhaps in relation to the fact that the existing staffs who were to manage the new group of companies had to continue with an organizational system that they were more comfortable with. Finally, Mrs. Field adapted the existing name of Mrs. Field for the new group of companies rather than maintaining the La Petite Boulangerie for the new venture. As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. Indeed, Mrs. Field took the three actions discussed above for a reason. In the first place, Mrs. Field is reported to have said that â€Å"we absorbed many of the overhead functions into our existing organization including accounting, finance, personnel, human resources, training, and development† (Richman, 1989). This means that as long as positions in the acquired company such as accounting, finance, human resource and training all existed in the old company, the Fields’ felt that there was no need bringing in new set of hands to do what was already being done by existing set of hands. The Fields had therefore thought of increasing their savings by reducing cost on human capital development and payment. The second action of changing the organization structures must have been with the mentality that the staff who were going to handle the affairs of both Mrs. Fields and La Petite Boulangerie needed to operate with set of organizational structures that they were more conversant with. Since the staff-base had virtually not changed, there was the ideology that changing the organizational structure would have given the staff more concepts to learn. On the decision to maintain the name, Mrs. Fields’ we are told that â€Å"the Mrs. Fields name was demographically well established,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Comparing Bullets Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comparing Bullets - Research Paper Example This can reveal the make of the bullet and what the bullet hit. It can also reveal the velocity of the bullet which can provide information on the type and power of the gun used. Additionally, the shape of the bullet can show the distance from which it was shot. Was the crime committed up close, or from across the street? Striations or other marks can indicate the type of weapon used in the commission of the crime. One possible defence at a criminal trial would be to suggest to the examiner that the bullet in question is a very popular one. Some bullets are manufactured in the hundreds of millions. They may not be as much of a signature as an examiner suggests. Some bullets are very common. It can be hard to trace them back to any particular gun. Examiners should generally be cautious about reading too much into a found bullet. It is unlikely to provide a complete blueprint to the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nationalism and tourism examples in South Dakota Coursework

Nationalism and tourism examples in South Dakota - Coursework Example They are symbols of national unity; hence, instill a feeling of the State’s identity among the citizens. Besides, the monument attracts both domestic and international tourists; hence, depicting a sense of national identity as citizens come and gather to tell their history and share national records. In addition, the monument is depicted on currency, postage stamps and official stamps, which signify something that is shared by all citizens of South Dakota. Therefore, it popularizes a hegemonic national message of inclusion that categorically implies national unity. Mount Rushmore is attractive and inspiring in a manner that draws people from all over the United States of America. Dinosaurs are considered the American’s main historical animals that ever lived. They are depicted as having been big and strong. Today, the dinosaurs crafted out of concrete and similar materials have expressive functions (Pretes, 2003). For instance, the western half of South Dakota have several specimens of animals including dinosaurs, which are important and notable. The Dinosaur Park acts as a significant tourist attraction sight as people come to know their earlier strong animals. It also acts as a national identity as it draws citizens from all over the State. The dinosaur has a special place in the American culture and history because they act as patriotic representatives of America and Scientific superiority of Europe. Therefore, Rapid Dinosaur Park having various types of life-size concrete dinosaurs promotes tourism: citizens come together to view these important animals; hence, evokes a feeling of national

Monday, July 22, 2019

Aging and Disability Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Aging and Disability Worksheet Essay Part I Identify 2 or 3 issues faced by the aging population. 1.Employment discrimination 2. Poverty 3. Inadequate care Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. †¢What is ageism? How does ageism influence the presence of diversity in society? According to Schaefer (2012), ageism is a term which refers to prejudice and discrimination against the elderly. â€Å"Ageism reflects a deep uneasiness among young and middle-aged people about growing old† (Schaefer, 2012, p. 395). Our society looks to youthfulness as successfulness; therefore, the elderly threaten those who want to be young and successful; thus influencing diversity in society. The elderly are seen as unessential, unneeded, and a constant reminder we one day will be old as well. So we shy away from associating with the elderly; so we do not have a constant reminder of our own ageing and immortality. Reference: Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. †¢What is the Age Discriminitation in Employment Act (ADEA)? How does the ADEA address issues for the aging population? â€Å"The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) which went into effect in 1968, was passed to protect workers 40 years of age or older from being fired because of their age and replaced with younger workers who  presumably would receive lower salaries† (Schaefer, 2012, p. 396). The ADEA provides a resource when there are suspicions of age discrimination in the workplace when it comes to hiring or not promoting or training ageing workers. Reference: Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. †¢What is being done to address the issues you identified? Many companies have been taken to court and charged with violating the ADEA. â€Å"According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, between 1999 and 2004, complaints of age discrimination rose more than 41 percent† (Schaefer, 2012, p. 396). Some studies suggest older workers are more of an asset to their employers, are absent less often and are more effective salespeople than their younger co-workers; therefore, diminishing the stereotype of the older employee is a less valuable employee. Reference: Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. †¢Is the number of aging population expected to rise in numbers or decrease? The aging population is expected to increase significantly will into the twenty-first century. With the decline in mortality rates and the baby boomer generation aging the â€Å"proportion over age 65 increases from less than on in 10 in 1960 to almost one in four by 2050† (Schaefer, 2012, p. 395) Reference: Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. †¢What types of legislation may or may not be affected by the aging population? The ADEA is one type of legislation which has affected the aging population;  ensuring they have recourse if discriminated against in the workplace. Today the Affordable Care Act will affect the aging population; however, to what extent is still uncertain at this time. Legislation which concerns pension provisions is another area which will directly affect the ageing population. Reference: Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. †¢How does poverty affect the aging population? â€Å"The aged who are most likely to experience poverty are the same people more likely to be poor earlier in their lives; female-headed households and racial and ethnic minorities. Although overall the aged are doing well economical, poverty remains a particularly difficult problem for the thousands of older adults who are impoverished annually by paying for long-term medical care† (Schaefer, 2012, p. 397). Will the Affordable Care Act ease the burden faced by the elderly who are impoverished by debilitating long-term diseases? Reference: Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Part II Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. †¢What does the ADA provide for people with disabilities? The ADA â€Å"prohibits bias in employment, transportation, public accommodations, and telecommunications against people with disabilities† (Schaefer, 2012, p. 401). The ADA is considered the most sweeping antidiscrimination legislation since the Civil Rights Act of 1964; thus, ensuring people with disabilities are no longer discriminated against. Reference: Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall †¢How have people with disabilities been treated in the past? People with disabilities have been discriminated against in the past, unable to easily use public transportation, unable to easily enter public buildings, and basically treated as second class citizens. The Americans with Disabilities Act was enacted to level the playing field so to speak. Making the once inaccessible areas or participating life activities easier for them to maneuver. Reference: Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall †¢How has the attitude toward people with disabilities changed over time? Attitudes towards people with disabilities have changes significantly over time. Those who were once shipped off to intuitions are now productive members of society. Many groups across the United States sprang up utilizing this demographic in meaningful employment positions. In my community we have a group who work with the disabled from collecting sensitive materials for shredding, managing thrift shops, to years ago sewing the scarfs Elvis Presley used while preforming. Today the opportunities for those with disabilities have come a long way; however, the fight is not over, there is still more work to be done to ensure equality for all. Reference: Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall †¢What are some unique circumstances or issues encountered by people with disabilities? There are numerous circumstances or issues encountered by people with disabilities daily. The sheer task of accomplishing anything seems  insurmountable. Those with physical disabilities must depend on the help of others to simply exist let alone pursue a meaningful life. Public transportation can be difficult; sidewalks were not always wheelchair friendly, handicapped parking was non-existent which makes it extremely difficult to live. What about the being looked at as abnormal, those with disabilities must endure tremendous amounts of awkward moments daily from those who are not disabled. †¢What is being done to address those issues? The ADA has brought awareness to the plight of those with both mental and physical disabilities by ensuring there is no discrimination against this group. However I believe awareness is another step to address the prejudice and discrimination against people with disabilities. We must be able to look past a person’s disabilities to see the true person they are, and not label them for their disability. †¢What types of legislation have been introduced to address issues faced by people with disabilities? The American’s with Disabilities Act is the most notable legislation address issues faced by people with disabilities. What type of legislation will the future hold? I believe the ADA has address all the concerns for this demographic; however, in the future there may be some revisions to the interpretation of the legislation ensuring everyone with disabilities is serviced fully.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Relationship between Employees, Employer and Representatives

Relationship between Employees, Employer and Representatives Introduction What is meant exactly by employee relations? What has changed since the Industrial Revolution? Salaman (2000) defines employee relations as a reflection of the development of more diverse employment patterns, the growth of high tech and commercial sectors, reduced levels of unionisation and use of management strategies aimed at individualising the employment relationship, in other terms it is the new management of all the variables which influence the work namely the management style, the level of employees motivation, the work environment, job satisfaction, the objectives of the company etc. We can differentiate three phases in the evolution of employee relations since the end of the Second World War, the third one being the partnership approach. Until 1979 (date of the election of the Conservative Party), work relations were based on collective bargaining and collective agreement aiming to determine and regulate, in varying degrees, the terms on which individuals will be employed (Flanders, 1968), with a strong voluntarism encouraged massively and informally. The trade unions (basically, it is an association of wage earners, totally independent of employers pressure, who struggle to improve work conditions) had a lot of power and everything was negotiated through deals. In fact, a Trade Union, through collective bargaining can force employers to deal with labour as a collective identity, rather than isolated individuals, and so, secure better the terms and condition of employment (Webb Webb, 1920). However, when the conservative party was elected in 1979, everything changed. The new government introduced a lot measures to limit the role of trade unions. In addition, it introduced an enterprise culture in which individuals and organisations, rather than government, were to be held responsible for economic performance. Thus, as well as rejecting the maintenance of full employment as a major policy objective, they in effect abandoned the commitment of their predecessors to voluntary collective bargaining as the most effective method of determining pay and conditions. Then, there was a total break with the old work patterns but an explanation of this will be the economical context. In fact, after the war, there was a period of reconstruction that engendered a lot of work; manufacturing was the backbone of the economy, it was a period of full employment. After that, there was a wave of privatisation, many companies became multinationals, and there was an internationalisation of business. The aim of the study will be to analyse and evaluate the new approach to the management of employee relations. Firstly, the author will define and explore what the partnership approach is. Then, the study will continue by examining the advantages and the disadvantages of this approach to each stakeholder (employees, employers and Trade Unions). Finally, an evaluation of the prospects for success of the partnership approach and an expression of a critical comparison with the previous ones will be highlighted. The Employment Relation (ER) Employment relationship is an economical exchange of labour capacity in return for the production of goods and services. It is very important to understand the implications of all the aspects of employment relations. High levels of collaboration between the workforce and management are likely to be consistent with greater reliability of production and quality of output, which in turn would bolster the organizations market position. Thus, employment relation is one of the most significant areas that need to be invested (Rollinson, 1993). Salaman (2000) defines employment relations as a reflection of the development of more diverse employment patterns, the growth of high tech and commercial sectors, reduced levels of unionisation and use of management strategies aimed at individualising the employment relationship, in other terms it is the new management of all the variables which influence the work namely the management style, the level of employees motivation, the work environment, job satisfaction, the objectives of the company etc. The state (all levels of government) plays a crucial role in employment relations, both directly and indirectly. The roles undertaken by governments may be categorised into five components including maintaining protective standards; establishing rules for the interaction between the parties; ensuring that the results of such interaction were consistent with the apparent needs of economy; providing services for labour and management such as advice, conciliation, arbitration and training; and as a major employer. The management of the ER system in Britain Britain is a country of Western Europe comprising England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Until July 2003, the British population is 60,094,648. At the height of its power in the 19th century it ruled an empire that spanned the globe (Stewart, 2005: 23-25). It is the dominant industrial and maritime power of the 19th century, played a leading role in developing parliamentary democracy and in advancing literature and science. The first half of the 20th century saw the Britains strength seriously depleted in two World Wars. The second half witnessed the dismantling of the Empire and the Britain rebuilding itself into a modern and prosperous European nation. It is also a leading trading power and financial centre, is one of the quartets of trillion dollar economies of Western Europe. The British industrial relations system has a long history and has undergone much change in recent years. There are three phases in the evolution of employee relations since the end of the World War II, the third one being the partnership approach. Until 1979 (date of the election of the Conservative Party), work relations were based on collective bargaining and collective agreement aiming to determine and regulate, in varying degrees, the terms on which individuals will be employed (Flanders, 1968), with a strong voluntarism encouraged massively and informally. The partnership approach What is it? The use of this term is a relatively recent political phenomenon. Some people affirm that it is just a term used by the Government to attract popular support because nobody can be against Partnership (Knell, 1999). Some others, more optimistic, see in this term a new pluralist approach to industrial relations. This concept comes from the idea that enterprises should recognise the interests of each stakeholder, namely employees, employers and their representatives, in order to satisfy each party. The aim of this approach is to find a common interest of management and labour, through trust and mutual involvement, instilling a sense of belonging and involvement. The Involvement and Participation Association (IPA, 1992) identifies six key principles: A shared commitment to the success of enterprise, including support for flexibility and the replacement of adversarial relations. A recognition that interests of the partners may legitimately differ. Employment security, including measures to improve the employability of staff as well as limit the use of compulsory redundancy. A focus on the quality of working life. A commitment to transparency, including a real sharing of hard, unvarnished information, an openness to discussing plans for the future, genuine consultation and preparedness to listen to the business case for alternative strategies. Adding value the hallmark of an effective partnership is that it taps into sources of commitment and / or resources that were not accessed by previous arrangement. For the New Labour government, partnership at work becomes an important objective. B. Its dimensions 1. Who are the partners? The partnership is between individual employer and individual employee and their representatives but the latter partner is weak in the new work relation. The partnership approach is more focused on individual relationships than a collective one, like in the past. Indeed, New Labour insists on individual choice. For them, it is not an obligation to integrate a working union. It emphasises that individuals are the best judges of their own individual interests. That is to say that the individual has the choice of whether or not to join a trade union and whether or not to take part in the coverage by collective agreement. It might mean the new government is not really in favour of the trade unions. In fact, some people think that a trade union would be an enemy of the partnership approach in the sense that trade unions defend the workers interests and they always have a confrontational relationship with the employers. Then, how can a partnership be formed if one of the partners does not make an effort to find a common agreement? In this way, the trade unions role has to be redefined. They have to play a co-operative role with employers in order to find some common interests which satisfy both the employees and the employers. The psychological contract The psychological contract is the basis of a partnership approach. It is the link between employers and employees. It establishes the expectations, aspirations and understandings which they have of each other (Herriot, 1998). The author has noticed that the psychological contract has changed since the last few years because of the changes of the work environment (change in workforce structure, re-engineering, downsizing.). The old psychological contract was based on security and predictability, now it is more situational and short term and assumes that each party is much less dependent on the other for survival and growth. According to Hiltrop (1995), the new contract can be defined as follows: There is no job security, the employee will be employed as long as he/she adds value to the organisation, and is personally responsible for finding new ways to add value. In return, the employee has the right to demand interesting and important work, has the freedom and resources to perform it well, receives, pay that reflects his or her contributions and get experience and training needed to be employable here or elsewhere. The psychological contract has to be strong and truthful to allow a partnership relation The voluntary aspect of the partnership New Labour insists on the voluntary aspect of the new work relation. The partnership should be introduced through cultural changes which will lead to more positive relationships between employers and employees than the letter of the law can ever achieve. That is to say that the law itself can not resolve the problem of employee relations, some cultural changes have to emerge first. Employers and employees have to make some effort to improve the work relationship. The advantages and the disadvantages of the partnership approach: A. For the employees 1. Advantages With the partnership approach, employees benefit from a Family atmosphere with friendly policies. For example, they benefit from new working arrangements which allow a greater flexibility. There is a harmonisation of working conditions, policies and procedures for all employees under training. The partnership approach introduces a new pay structure: pay is monthly through credit transfer, and the traditional annual pay is replaced by an objective formula. Moreover, a reduction of the working week for manual and craft employees can be observed. 2. Disadvantages However, the partnership approach introduces the notion of the individual worker. In this way, trade unions are less useful in the employer/employee relationship and lose their power. Then, the employee is in a weaker position than his/her employer (a caution has to be noticed because, trade unions have a right to accompany their members during the disciplinary or grievance interview). B. For the employers 1. Advantages Firstly, the partnership gives a good reputation to the enterprise which applies it. Moreover, it allows a greater stability of employment because employer talks to employee and establishes some rights and some obligations that each party has to respect (limit the turnover, strikes and so on). The relationship between both is more respectful and equal. Furthermore, the partnership allows a greater openness over the enterprise. Through it, the employers know what is wrong with the employees and try to find how they can fix it. The work atmosphere is more friendly and truthful. The partnership approach is, as well, a need for a change in approach to the trade unions. To date, the relation between employers and trade unions is based on confrontation. This new approach gives a secondary role to the trade unions and privileges the individual employer/employee relations, which is easier to manage. Moreover, employers try to improve work conditions, in return they profit from a greater activity because workers feel good in the company. In addition they can have greater performance appraisal and a new understanding of performance management through control and feed back. 2. Disadvantages This approach demands a lot of administration and is quite constraining for a company. To fire an employee who has a poor performance for example, the employer has to give a first warning and propose a disciplinary interview in order to detect what is wrong with this employee. If nothing has changed, the employee can receive another warning, the last one, before the dismissal (or other sanctions). Sometimes, procedures take too much time and engender an economical loss. Moreover, the enterprise can lose some power in relation to its employees. Previously, employers had the economic power over employees, now this power is more shared between both because their relationship is more interdependent. C. For the trade unions 1. Advantages There is a new stake in their role as representatives. They have to prove the value of the employers to the employees and the value of the employees to the employers. Moreover, the trade unions can profit from a partnership fund in order that employers and employee representatives work together to support innovative projects to develop the partnership approach in the workplace (Lord McIntosh Lord Hansard, May 1999). 2. Disadvantages The partnership approach has more disadvantages than advantages for the trade unions. Through it, trade unions lose some power. Firstly, their recognition is limited. According to the government, the trade union has a secondary role in the employer/employee relationship. Then, their role has to be redefined in a more consultative sense; it has to focus on the information, the communication, the representation and the partnership. Their contribution to the partnership is potentially useful but far from being essential. Thus, trade unions are worried about their traditional role which is to defend the workers interests. They think that in this new approach, employee representatives will become part of the management. Moreover, according to the IPA, the partnership needs a different channel than the union one, because this model is not adequate anymore. In fact, the union presence is weak or non-existent in the majority of companies in Britain, therefore, the partnership needs a new representative structure. Evaluation and criticism of the prospects for success of the partnership approach The employment relation through the partnership approach becomes fairer. For example, union co-operation in more flexible work patterns, teamworking, the introduction of annualised hours and the harmonisation of terms and conditions of employment are all greater assets of the partnership approach. Concerning job security, the partnership approach remains limited: The job security guarantees have been identified as the hallmark of partnership approach by many of its advocates, although, they have no featured in all such agreements. In most cases, they amount to relatively limited management commitments to avoid the use of compulsory redundancy as a means of labour shedding- a fairly familiar practice in organisations that can attract sufficient candidates for early retirement and voluntary redundancy with enhanced severance payments. Moreover in some partnership agreement, trade unions and employees are required to co-operate with measures with make the avoidance of compulsory redundancy easier, including the acceptance of the companys use of subcontracted, temporary or short-term contract staff ( Taibly Winchester, 2000 and Bach Sisson,2000). Moreover, the fundamental need for a successful approach requires some cultural changes; we have to break with the old practice (industrial/adversarial ones) because we cannot access a new form of management without this. Furthermore, the partnership approach appeared in a particular political context. In fact, it was the end of the Conservative government (characterised by a policy of deregulation) and the beginning of the Labour party which developed the important idea of commitment to the partnership in the workplace. But, its aim has to be analysed very carefully because we can notice that the government refused to take part in some social policy proposals developed by the European commission. This reaction is contrary to the apparent willingness of the government to introduce fairness in work and at work. However, some surveys show that employees feel better with the partnership agreement. We can notice that job satisfaction level is greater than before (Bach Sisson, 2000) but this result has to be taken with caution if we refer to the recent strike of the Post Offices which occurred last month. Then, the question is whether the partnership approach is successful? In the historical, political and economical context, the author thinks that partnership and the willingness of each stakeholder are present. The difficulty is just trying to apply it in the best way. Britain has made a lot of effort to improve work conditions. Compared to the past, this approach is the compromise between the two previous ones. Indeed, the first one (~1945-1979) was too dominated by the trade unions. The following one was too adversarial; the employees lost all their rights. Thus, this new approach tries to satisfy both parties. Conclusion The work is not finished. If the partnership approach succeeds in satisfying the stakeholders, it needs to be improved again. Britain needs to work on other more social law proposals and take part in the European ones. However, the employment relations are governed by the variation of the market as well; hence, it is very difficult to satisfy everybody. But, the important thing is to try to do the best. Moreover, there will always be some disagreements and unfairness in work and at work; we have to be patient because it takes time to change the mind of each person.

EHR Implementation Issues

EHR Implementation Issues Melchor Abejon Any adverse event that obstructs the development and success of an organization should be investigated to discover and understand the initiating cause of such event and to consequently establish corrective actions to prevent its recurrence in the future. This paper intends to: Identify the approach to be taken to address the reporting problem at Western Heights Hospital (WHH). To create a flowchart outlining the process to be taken in finding a solution to the organizations reporting problem. Approach to Address the Reporting Problem at Western Heights Hospital As stated in the given scenario, the WHH is unable to report on various state and federally mandated quality measures. Definitely, this problem needs immediate attention as this process is essential to the organization to improve and maintain quality. As the clinical content manager and leader of all reporting efforts in the organization, it is my primary concern to address and find solution to the problem. My approach would be to perform a Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Conducting an RCA would help me discover and understand the initiating cause or causes of the problem and to develop corrective actions to prevent its recurrence in the future. Root Cause Analysis Below is a flowchart showing my steps to performing an RCA for the problem. Identify the problem Charter and appoint team facilitator and members    Describe the incident Identify the contributing factors Identify the root cause or causes Eliminate the root cause or causes Evaluate and measure Identify the problem. This step will include determining the problem to be investigated. The problem statement from the scenario would be, The organization is unable to report on various state and federally mandated quality measures. Also, included in this step is to gather preliminary information about the problem which can be discussed later by my team. Charter and appoint a team facilitator and members of the team.   In this step, a team facilitator will be designated who will work with the leadership to launch a project charter that will guide the team in managing the scope of the project and in implementing changes that are linked to the root causes identified in the RCA process. Also, team members will be selected who are familiar with the systems and processes involved in the problem. Describe the incident. In this step, facts surrounding the problem will be collected and organized, on why the organization fails to do quality reporting measures. The preliminary information gathered in step 1 will be shared and discussed with the team. Identify contributing factors.   The knowledge gained in step 3 will be used to dig deeper into what happened and why it happened. Also in this step, the conditions, circumstances and situations that caused the organization not to be able to report will be identified. A thorough investigation of the organizations current data systems and the processes from patient data capture to electronic reporting will be carried out to determine any lacking or faulty process that have resulted to the incomplete generation of data. Identify the root causes. The contributing factors will be examined to find the root cause of the problem. In the given scenario, there could be many underlying reasons that had caused the organizations failure to report. Contributing factors could be due to (a) incomplete data as mentioned, (b) failure of systems to communicate, (c) poor data quality, (d) lack of data standards. These contributing factors are interrelated to each other to significantly affect the interoperability of systems. Identifying the root cause should be dug deeper by asking repeated why questions of the contributing factors. Eliminate the root causes. This step will also include the design and implementation of changes to eliminate the root cause and to reduce and or prevent the recurrence of the same event in the future. If there are multiple root causes, there will be corrective actions to address each root cause. In the given scenario, the failure to report could probably be due to lack of interoperability or failure of systems to communicate due to poor data quality as manifested by incomplete data generated by the organizations system. This problem could be addressed by improving patient data capture and by developing an efficient data dictionary. Data integration would probably be needed to cleanse all dirty data, and as well as to employ data standards to improve clinical documentation,   and data interchange standards to enable the systems to achieve full interoperability and be able to exchange and integrate data among healthcare applications in a state , regional and nationwide level. Evaluate and measure. In this step, the success or improvement of actions will be evaluated and measured and will be monitored overtime. Reference Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (n.d.). Guidance for performing root cause analysis (RCA) with performance improvement projects.   Retrieved February 20, 2017 from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Effects of the Atomic Bomb :: essays research papers

The Atomic Bomb: Effects on Hiroshima and Mankind   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The nuclear bomb was the most devastating weapon ever created by man. It was developed between 1942 and 1945 during the second World War. The project to build the worlds first atomic weapon was called The Manhattan Project. The nuclear bomb was based on the idea of splitting an atom to create energy, this is called fission. Three bombs were created, â€Å"Trinity†, â€Å"Little Boy†, and â€Å"Fat Man†. â€Å"Trinity† was dropped on a test site in New Mexico on July 16, 1945, proving the theories, engineering and mathematics of the bomb to be correct. Shortly after that, not more than 2 months, the U.S. performed the first actual nuclear attack in the history of war. The bomb â€Å"Little Boy† was dropped on the town of Hiroshima, instantly killing thousands. â€Å"Fat Man† was dropped shortly after on the town of Nagasaki. After the bombing almost all scientist involved with the creation of the bomb regretted its construc tion and spoke out against the abolishment of nuclear weapons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Manhattan Project was led by American physicists J. Robert Oppenheimer and directed by General Leslie Graves. The project employed over 130,000 people and the total cost by the end of production was nearly 2 billion dollars, 20 billion dollars in today’s currency. Oppenheimer’s early education was at the Ethnical Culture School in New York. He took classes in math and science and many languages such as Greek, Latin, French, and German. He learned Dutch in only six weeks to give a speech in the Netherlands. He was also interested in classic and eastern philosophy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1939 rumor came to the U.S. that Germans had split the atom. The threat of the Nazis developing a nuclear weapon prompted President Roosevelt to establish The Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer set up a research lab in Los Alamos, New Mexico and brought the best minds in physics to work on the problem of creating a nuclear weapon. Although most the research and development was done in Los Alamos, there were over 30 other research locations throughout the project. After watching the first nuclear bomb test Oppenheimer was quoted as saying simply â€Å"It works.†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now that the atomic bomb was proven to work the next question was where to drop it. Specialists in many fields were called on by the U.S. Army to help them decide on the best target for the atomic bomb. They considered many things while selecting the target such as the range the aircraft had to carry the bomb, the morale effect on the enemy, military importance of the target, and the geography of the target.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Old Man and Sea Essay -- essays research papers

Perserverance, Courage, and Wisdom Used in Everyday Life Throughout a life, people have to overcome obstacle after obstacle to be successful in the world. Humans are thrown challenges day after day, week after week. Everyone must try hard at something to be truly happy in their life. In Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the Sea, he used the marlin and the sharks as symbols, and gave Santiago certain character attributes to depict the perserverance, courage, and smarts needed to get through the ups and downs that life hands everyone. Santiago had gone 84 days without catching a fish and was about to surpass his previous record of 87 days, when there was a pull on his line. Santiago had finally caught a something. To make it even better, it was a marlin larger than his boat. Hemingway used this marlin to symbolize the struggle for life. Santiago was matched up against his perfect opponent to bring out the best in him. The marlin brought out his strength and courage to fight the fish for 3 days in his old age. Santiago had to overcome the fish to survive, to be a hero is his community and to himself. Towards the end of the story, Santiago told the fish, â€Å"I shouldn’t have gone out so far fish, neither for you nor for me. I’m sorry fish† (110). Santiago was telling himself the experience brought out so much strength and courage in him, but it was hard for him to accept the defeat of the sharks devouring the marlin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One contrast to the marlin...

The Medieval Crusades Essay -- essays research papers

Through out time, history has had a tendency to repeat it self. It has done so in good means as well as bad. People learn from the past and apply it to their every day lives. Although people try to do the right thing and not follow mistakes that have been already made, they just seem to come about. This day in age, out country is experiencing a situation that is extremely similar to that that occurred in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, that which is the crusades. Crusades now can be defined as all wars undertaken in pursuance of a vow, and directed against infidels. But back in the middle ages it was known as any military expedition under taken by the Christians of Europe (Random House Webster’s 318). On September 11,2001 the people of America as well as all other free countries in our nation experience a new feeling that we have not know of. We were being attacked for our beliefs, for the way we live our lives. This what we were feeling, was being fought for during the time of the Crusades. The Christians and the Muslims were fighting against one another in order to spread their religion, or end the other. The people who were the leaders of the attack were Muslims. Muslims are people who follow the religion of Islam. Islam is a religion that was founded by a man named Muhammad. The followers of Muhammad believe that he received messages from God. Those messages all established into the rules that the Muslims live by, and they are all recorded in the Koran. Some of the laws forbade Muslims to eat pork, drink alcohol, gamble or lend money for interests. But the main beliefs of the Muslims are â€Å"The Five Pillars†. Which are to have faith in God (Allah). To pray five times a day facing in the direction of Mecca. For a person to ... ...Although they had realized that it was not the end of the crusades. Other types continued. There were five crusades against the Hussites. Also there were crusades that weren’t aimed at capturing Jerusalem but trying to stop the Turks from getting more powerful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion we have seen how the crusades took place and what affects they left on world history. In this present day we can still see some of the same ideas that lay behind the crusades. The horrific tragedy of September 11th is justified by some Muslim groups as a strong statement on behalf of the one and only god- Allah (or so they think). It is scary to consider that The Holy War of the 11th-13th century has a chance of reawakening in the 21st century. That is why we must know the facts and their consequences about world history, to prevent its occurrence in the present day.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Antoinette: Wide Sargasso Sea

AP Literature 10/29/12 Deriving Antoinette’s Insanity In the novel, Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, one of the main characters goes through emotional chaos. That character’s name is Antoinette. She grew up in Jamaica in a rich family. After her brother Pierre died, her mother went crazy. Later on in the book, Antoinette goes crazy as well. Some critics believe that Antoinette’s madness is heredity. I disagree with that critique. The primary source of Antoinette’s madness is from the harsh treatment of her husband, Rochester. There are smaller causes as well, like the night when slaves burned down her family’s house.Antoinette is devastated. The continuous devastation along with cruel treatment from people around her cause her insanity In the beginning of the novel, Antoinette is a solitary young girl. She wanders the island, learning about the world. The fact that she is white creates tension between her and the Jamaican people. Her family also has a lot of money and most people there are poor. Tia becomes her only real friend. She loses that friend mainly because Tia is black and she is white. Jamaican people didn’t like her family. One night the slaves burn down her house, laughing and throwing stones at the family.This shocks Antoinette. She likes the Jamaican people. During the fire she sees Tia and thinks, â€Å"I will live with Tia and be like her. Not to leave Coulibri. Not to go. Not. † Just as she thinks this, Tia throws a stone at her. Emotionally, this is the start of much devastation in her life. Later on in the novel, Antoinette is married to Rochester. At first, they seem happy together. Antoinette shows him the island she grew up on and tells him stories of her childhood. Antoinette feels love again. Little does she know, Rochester feels nothing but lust for her.Rochester leads Antoinette on even more by having sex with her. Antoinette is the happiest she has ever been in her life. Rochester still feels nothing. He thinks, â€Å"As for the happiness I gave her, that was worse than nothing. I did not love her. I was thirsty for her, but that is not love. † He continues to lead her on until one day where he suddenly stops having sex with her. Antoinette goes from an extreme high, to a low point in her life. She has no one. The madness sets in. Rochester receives a letter from a man named Daniel Cosway, who tells him of Antoinette’s family history.He also tells him that he is Antoinette’s half-brother and madness runs in the family. Daniel warns Rochester that Antoinette is crazy as well. Rochester believes him and continues to push Antoinette away. One day Rochester has sex with Amelie, a servant. He doesn’t try to hide it. Antoinette hears and is hurt beyond repair. Because of this, she is more than crazy. Antoinette becomes a love crazy lunatic. She loses another person I her life whom she loved, because of this, She is not repairable. They leave t he island and Rochester locks her up. He doesn’t even try to help her.When a person is repeatedly subjected to this kind of cruel, evil-hearted treatment, the only course for that person is insanity. Heredity is not the source of the insanity though. There is nothing hereditary about what Rochester did to Antoinette. Even if madness didn’t run in the family, Antoinette probably would have the same reaction. It doesn’t help that after the cruel things that Rochester did, she had no way to cope with them. Christophine couldn’t help because Rochester threatened her. Again, there is nothing hereditary about how Rochester acted. Every reason for Antoinette’s madness has nothing to do with heredity, but cruelty.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Motivation Letter Essay

Economics, as a field, had always fascinated me mightily from my enlighten days. As I grew up, I gradually came to appreciate the importance of stintings in the modern earth. In the university, I was halcyon to accept been exposed to legion(predicate) interest and challenging fields. However, I ultimately chose to study in narrationing, which provides me with fundamental knowl delimitation of many stinting-related theories and concepts, as well as familiarity with statistics and information analysis.I also learned the canonic tenets of Economics in courses such(prenominal) as Finance, Management, Accounting and Public Finance. Subsequently I enhanced it with CMA Certificate courses right after graduation in 2006 These courses revealed to me the importance of the economic sector in the society, besides that I recognise that Economic and Finance professionals have the privileged opportunity of managing assets and analyzing risks to break the futurity success of a company or organization.In 2010 and after having three historic period experience as Customer wait on and Letters of Credits and Guarantees Officer, Business ontogenesis Officer at Bank Audi, and peerless year as Senior Account Officer / Corporate Business training at Bank of Jordan, I realized the importance of finance and enthronisation, giving the fact that the main decision of any endeavor is where to invest money and how to evaluate investment opportunities.Therefore, I decided to pursue graduate student studies in investment and finance that would ideally complement my pedantic knowledge and experience, still unfortunately the current sad bunk in my country freezes all my academic chances. So Im aspect to be a part of a respectful program and an opportunity to interpret people and economists in one of the world most developed nations.In 5 years, I see myself leading an investment and monetary section where I am involved building fruitful global business relations, desi gning structured pecuniary products and managing well-diversified and effective portfolios by incorporating cutting edge methodologies and sophisticated tools that offer a worthy investment opportunity to the potential investor.throughout this course I will leverage my existing skills with the knowledge of finance and economic science that will help me to achieve my medium-term go goals to manage capital, create portfolios, perform mergers and acquisitions, and ensure future economic stability for corporations, as well as helping financial services industry to make the right financial decisions that will lead to economic stability and high returns.In the long-term, such knowledge, skills and experience will help me back up the Syrian market in designing, implementing and supervise financial policies, planning and executing the financial backing initiatives, and interfacing with the financial community and investors.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Body soul destinction Essay

Body soul destinction Essay

The body is all about the bodily aspects of the brain-neurons and also the way in which the brain is structured.Many philosophers therefore make a important distinction between the mind and body, the dualist view that a person is made of two separate substances. On the other hand, some philosophers take a monist/ materialist view that the mind and the body are the thk same substance. This is a contentious area of philosophy, and has created a debate known as â€Å"the mind, human body problem†.Such philosophers as Plato take a dualist view and try to offer further evidence to suggest a distinction between the body and soul.It is located in space and time.Plato used evidence such as the â€Å"world of the forms†. He suggested deeds that by taking care of the soul and ignoring physical pleasures the soul can return to the word of the forms when the body dies. The evidence of Plato’s theory can be seen everyday.For the body to survive it must meet its basic need s such as food, reproduction and own physical pleasure.

He thought that soul and the body were two unique materials.’ According to Aquinas, the soul operates independently of the body. Aquinas believed the only things that are divisible into parts decay. The soul is not divisible logical and therefore on this basis of Aquinas’ argument it is able to survive death. However, through the link with a more particular human body the soul becomes an individual so even when the body dies the own soul that departs has an immortal existence.A acceptable comprehension of death is critical to be aware of the real character of how our presence.This supports the dualist view as firstly, it proves that the soul is immortal and lives on after death, and secondly that the soul is separate from the body as the man who claims to be Jesus appears to be unrecognisable implying he has a different physical appearance. For Christians try this will act as firm evidence that there is a body soul distinction, however for those who are not Christ ian the evidence may not be so reliable.Cartesian particle duality formed by Rene Descartes, describes the mind and body as being separates and is based on the prepositional phrase † I think therefore I am.† Descartes explained that feelings and sensations cannot be located physically.

This economic theory is extremely vague however.Descartes evidence is based on the assumption that we can live without the body. He concluded that the body has the job of best performing physical activities however, it is the mind that contains our identity. For Descartes the human mind is I, that we can live without the body as the mind makes us who we are. Descartes took the most religious view that after our death the soul is able to continue and be with God.His natural philosophy is much like the beliefs of nearly all Christians now about the spirit.Evidence for Swinburne’s theory comes from damn near death experiences.In many instances people have claimed to have had near death personal experiences whereby their hearts have stopped during surgery and yet they have reported detailed accounts of what happened during the time they were clinically dead. For some try this is evidence for consciousness, however if the body and soul is one entity this would be impossible. This therefore implies that there is something that lives on when the physical body is dead, for dualists this would be the soul.

Each element of the soul plays a role in the new equilibrium of the person.Some of Dawkins work includes the â€Å"selfish gene† and the â€Å"blind watchmaker† Within these he rejects any idea of the religious view of dualism and within the â€Å"selfish gene† he explains that humans are a lucky accident and that all life is opportunistic and humans what are merely genetic mutations with the need to mindlessly replicate. Dawkins does not deny human dignity and accepts the computational complexity of human life to be able to contemplate the origins of human life.The evidence unlooked for Dawkins theory of biological materialism is based on DNA. Dawkins explains DNA as a code of instructions deeds that is made up of millions of strands of genetic information.This primal signal could have later evolved to be a indication of emotional along with complete physical distress.He stated that humans are one composite being, one substance. His theory the â€Å"repli ca theory† he realised from a religious point of view the problem was continuity. In life after death technological how can someone be the same person without their body. Therefore Hick suggests that there curfew must be some kind of replica.

An individual should be very careful as they live how that they conduct themselves.Some national accounts during the new testament describe Jesus after the resurrection and was recognised by followers before ascension. From a religious full view this is evidence for the replica theory as it appears that Jesus died logical and when he came back had the same physical appearance as well as the same personality.Identity theory puts forward a materialist view of the soul. Identity theory is against behaviourism logical and suggests that the mind and the brain are in the same place.Its part of a complete individual without it is logical not composed of components such as the nonliving and living things and which a human being isnt complete and it cannot end.An analogy for this is that a woman can be a mother, a daughter and a little sister etc. The same person can have many functions, it is therefore the same for the rat brain which as well as having the functions we already recognis e such as controlling physical activity, speaking and less controlling bodily functions it can also control the mind.Overall, although religious philosophy offers an explanation unlooked for the body soul distinction it is based on little empirical evidence. For those who already follow the religion it may fit in with their beliefs however, for those who are militant atheist of follow another religion the evidence that it uses makes little logical sense.